Long Time No See. (10)

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When Connie Woke, Ash was already gone.
"dang..." he spoke as his stomach growled.
"I guess ill snag something from Ash's cupboards.
he was gonna eat cereal, Ash had no milk. gonna make scrambled eggs, no eggs. gonna make pancakes, guess what? no milk, eggs, flour, or anything. his boyfriend's kitchen is basically empty.
well that leaves one choice. the cafe. heads up Ash! here he comes!

Connie dressed in shorts, and a hoodie. he put on his New pair of walking shoes, due to the Cafe being a little bit over a mile away.
he walked out of the house, and locked the door, he knew there was a key under the door mat.

In the middle of Connie's walk, he saw some pretty interesting things. a cherry blossom tree, but it had a blue-ish tint, an abandoned warehouse, a few partys, a street painter painting a super nova, someone who looked like Jane, a libr- wait.. jane-? his heart dropped.
he turned his head, there was a zebra with her head covered by a hood, she was missing an arm, the same arm Jane broke all those years prior. he needed to find out.
he turned around and tapped her on the shoulder.
"'scuse me..sorry to bother you. do you mind telling me your name? you look so firmiliar" I asked.
"why yes of course, my name is-" the zebras eyed widened.
"no way. no fucking way! c-conan?!"
Connie was right. it was her.
"I-I- Hey!" I hugged her. "I didn't think I'd ever see you again.. I mean- what happened?" I looked at her arm, well, the top half of what's left at least.
"when I broke my arm, the bone was shattered in like 16 places, it healed halfway, but got infected. it got worse and worse, until..." she waved her stump around. "say, we gotta catch up, I haven't seen you since.. you know. there's a cafe up the road, you Wanna chat there?" Jane Asked.
"funny, I was actually on my way there as a matter of fact".

Time Jump: 5 minutes

Connie's heart pounded, he hadn't seen her in years, why was she here? why did he find her now?
his mind raced, only making his heart rate increase. he trembled, he was excited, but the last he saw her, she was getting driven off, she had tears in her eyes, waving goodbye.
Jared came out, and gave us a Table.
"Welcome to cal- oh hey Connie, you here to order, or just to see ash?" Jared spoke
"I'm here to order, but is Ash here...?"
"yup. it's just me, ash,, and the others, if you wanna go back and see 'em"
"thanks bro" connie fistbumped him.
Connie and Jane ordered, then sat down.
"so... if you don't mind me asking... how're you so acquainted with them? and- who's Ash-?" Jane Asked quietly.
"Most of the employees that work here are my friends. and Ash, he's.. well he's my boyfriend." connie replied. he whispered when he mentioned ash was his boyfriend, not knowing what she'd think.
"sweet! when can I meet em?" she laughed.
"welp, lemme go get em" Connie laughed with the same energy.
Connie stood up, briefly looking at his hands, they were shaking.
he ignored his shaky hands, and walked to the kitchen.

"Anna, I'm going on break! be back in 30." Ash called, not realizing connie was behind him. Connie snuck up behind Ash, and hugged him around the waist. They talked for a bit, when Connie felt he should return to Jane.
"Go on break, meet Me in the dining area." connie kissed him, and returned from the kitchen.

Connie's pov:
what am I doing. this is a stupid idea, why is she showing up now.
this is stressing me out. I'm happy she's here, alive. not happy she lost her arm, not happy she never reached out to me.

I sat back down at the booth with a large sigh.
"everything alright-?" Jane Asked.
"yup. what about you? everything good with you?"
"ahh I dunno. you want me to yell you my sad villain back story?" she put her hands, well .. hand up, and acted like she was evil, laughing along with it.
I chuckled, she still had her sense of humor.
"sure why not." I replied, as Ash walked out, causing me to smile instantly.
he sat down next to me, and pecked me on the forehead.
"love, who's your friend?" Ash asked.
"Ash, this is Jane, she was one of my friends from awhile ago. Jane, this is Ash, my boyfriend." I introduced them.
I didnt think she would do it, but she actually did tell us her 'sad villain backstory.'

Jane's pov:
"Alright. I guess I gotta explain the past few years. o-ok, so back when I first moved, after... n-ni- him..
we drove up to Texas, and got an apartment there. we got pretty acquainted with everyone, like everyone in town knew me and my mom. everything was fine, until my mom became ill." tears formed in my eyes. "once that happened... everything just kinda went down hill. my already broken arm. became practically shattered, which punctured the muscle inside, causing it to internally bleed."
Connie and his boyfriend looked worried. like.. pale worried.
"then it became infected, the docter didn't wanna do shit about it, so they just..sliced it off. then my mom passed...I couldn't stay there in Texas. so many things... wrong."

I started to actually cry. I thought of nick... my mom. my friends, Connie. Connie, oh Connie I can see the discomfort in your eyes, im so sorry.

"then I came here to ozeton a few years back." I struggled through tbe tears.
"I came here. I jumped job to job, motel to motel, street to street...
some bitch found me on the street, took me in, I thought it was nice, thought he was nice. then he...
he raped me. police didn't do anything until the next morning, the person tried to resist, he fought back, but then got shot... right. in. front. of. me.
two years later I moved to this part of ozeton, small, peaceful, neighbors came and went, it was hard to make friends. but what do you know? two months later, I come across a firmiliar fox on the street. we walked to to the Cafe together, where he introduced me to his boyfriend, then we all sit at a table as I tell my depressing life story."

Connie had tears in his eyes, Ash was covering his mouth in shock.

"I- I should go... im sorry-" I trembled as I got up to leave. I was at the Cafe door when Connie ran up behind me.
"Jane, Wait!" He grabbed my arm.
he stared at me, his eyes glittered under the light.
next thing I know, I'm in his arms. Connie hugged me so tight I could barely breath. ash walked up, and joined the hug.
they comforted me as I started to cry. I'm glad they're my friends.

"Oh! Group Hug!" Connie's friends came out. (Sam, jared, anna)
they all joined the hug, why? good question, they dont even know me.
I was so shocked. I was speechless, now my eyes were glittering. they
don't know me, but care for me like I've been their friend for decades. I began to lightly cry, this felt good. I love you guys like my family, and I hardly know you.

Ok... so I forgot this thing existed. I've been dealing with a very intense breakup, yeaah, that girl that I took on the trip and care dso deeply for, I caught her cheating.

since it's been like a month..? a month right? damn I dunno anymore. anyways since it's been awhile, I'm probably gonna make chapter 10 the yiff chapter. I've had my mind on it for awhile. I mean another reason this part took so long was that I had writers block, so I litterally just... brought Jane back!!! haha. it probably wasn't the best thing to do, but oh well.

p.s I've never written a yiff before, so it may be weird or confusing or whatever it'll be.

have a nice day.
(part 11 may not be out for awhile. like awhile awhile.

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