1 - The project

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"Jude Duarte and Cardan Greenbriar!"


I thought. The only time I arrive late in the classroom I am paired with my worst enemy.

I turned toward Cardan. On the boy's lips, was resting a smug smirk that I wanted to cancel.

"Seems that we are partners now, don't we?" Cardan chuckled in my ears while playing with his golden pen.

I was fuming in anger.

"Mrs. Jackson-Chase!" She exclaimed.

"Yes, Jude?"

"I beg her to change my partner, please!" I implored her teacher.

"I'm sorry, dear, but that would be unfair towards the others. Plus, both you and Cardan are great students. I'm sure you will do a brilliant assignment!" Mrs. Jackson-Chase responded. "Now open your book on page 194. Fand, could you please start reading?"

I sighed and zoned out for the rest of the lesson.

I would have to do a stupid, big, project with my rival.

Cardan and I had been enemies since first grade. I always was the student at the top of the class, the captain of the volleyball team, and the girl who stood up for herself and the others.

While Cardan was a spoiled little brat who happened to be the son of the biggest sponsor of the school, a boy who didn't do anything and still obtained high grades and acted like the owner of the Mab Greenbriar institute.

We were different and we were always fighting.

All the school could probably remember that time when I attacked Cardan in the cafeteria because he spoke to my sister. Or that time when Cardan pushed me inside the pool.

But the neverending fight was between grades. Every time, everyone could see us arguing in the hallway because "He got a 92, but his writing skills were lacking in the last part" or "She got a 95 even when she didn't write one answer on the math test."

And now, I had to work with that guy even after school.

Yes, Mab Greenbriar Institute was a boarding school, so everyone was always in the same place, but that didn't mean that I frequently hung out with Cardan's crew.

When the bell rang, I collected my things and sprinted out of the classroom.

"Jude, wait!" Exactly the voice I didn't want to hear at the moment.

"What do you want, Greenbriar!" I snapped.

"We have to discuss when we will work on the project, this afternoon sounds good?"

I sighed. "I have my Italian course after the last hour, so I can't."

"We will do it after your class, in the library. Meet me at 5:30, and don't bring that grumpy attitude."

I wanted to scold him, but he vanished.

At lunch, I still had my grumpy attitude.

"What's wrong, Judie?" My friend, Liliver, asked.

"Don't call me Judie" I mumbled

"Oh, come on, did something happen?"

I dropped my fork on the plate and rubbed my temples with my fingers.

"Yes, yes, something happened. And that something is me being pared up with Cardan Greenbriar on my new English assignment."

Lil laughed. "It can't be THAT bad, Jude. Just... Don't fight with each other, you know he could end up in the infirmary for a week."

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