2 - Stalking Cardan

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"Well, well, well, look who's here!" Liliver exclaimed when I entered our dorm room.

I threw myself on my bed and relaxed on the comfortable mattress without uttering a word. Lil just laughed.

"How did your date with cardan go?"

"IT WASN'T A DATE!" I yelled while throwing a pillow at her, she grinned like the Cheshire cat. "Come on Judie, how did it go?" "We just decided what book we will talk about for the English assignment, and then he left, without saying a word." "And you didn't follow him? You could have kidnapped him, you could have pointed a knife at him and then kissed him!" I groaned. "You need to stop reading enemies to lovers, Lil! Seriously, what book is that now?"

Liliver smirked, and I sighed in exasperation. Now she would never stop!

"Well, if you ask me this way then I will kindly respond. Ok, ok, it's a fantasy trilogy about this mortal boy, Carmen, that, at seven years old was taken by the murderer of his parents in this magical land, there he meets the youngest princess of the reign, Judas, a cruel fairy girl that used to hate him and his mortal twin because..." she continued her speech and I zoned out.

Where did Cardan go?

I took a mental note about asking him tomorrow, he probably wouldn't respond, or he would make one of his useless jokes.

"Jude, Jude, JUDE!" Lil shouted. I jolted and grabbed the first thing I saw, my pillow.

"Sorry, I zoned out." I explained, and she smirked, "Were you thinking about Cardan?" I slightly blushed, I couldn't tell her she was right, so I throw at her my pillow whit all of my force. She gasped and did the same with me. We started fighting and laughing and screaming, all the girls of my year could probably hear us, but I didn't care.

When we were exhausted and sprawled on the floor, we giggled and relaxed in the silence of our room.

"Lil," I started

"Mh," she muttered

"Did you see how Van looks at you?" I asked.

She turned her head toward me with a confused expression. "What do you mean?"

"He has hearts in his eyes every time he is with you, how could you be so blind?"

"Is not true!"

"Yes, it is! Today at lunch he was looking at you like you were an alien!"

"Hey, that's offensive!" she pouted, and I laughed.

"Sorry," I muttered, "But he was staring like you were the eighth wonder of the world."

"You are exaggerating!" I was replying when Liliver's phone started ringing.

"It's my mom, I have to take it." She entered the bathroom and I got up off the floor and checked my phone, I had received a follow request from Card(ig)an_is_hot, I rolled my eyes, seriously cardan? I bit on my bottom lips and considered if I should accept the request or not, I still hadn't decided when Liliver exited the bathroom.

"Bye, mom, love you." she said, and then jumped on my bed.

"What do we have here?" She snatched the phone from my hand and looked at it, the grinned while pressing the screen.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I didn't know if I was laughing or crying, Lil grinned: she had accepted the request and he immediately did so with mine. I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance.

"Liiiiil!" I protested. She started giggling and started scrolling on Cardan's page. He had a big amount of followers, I rolled my eyes, of course, he had! He was a Greenbriar!

"What do you wanna do now?" I asked my friend, she shrugged. "Stalking him, obviously!"

We passed the next half an hour scrolling on Cardan's Instagram page. There were photos of nights out with friends, mostly Locke, Nicasia, and Valerian. There were stories of his holidays in luxurious places, worthy of his name, and some of his partnerships with Sephora and other brands. I sighed.

"Lil, I had too much Cardan today at lunch, please don't prolong my exhaustion even more. I beg you!" "But we have to watch his friend's profiles!" She protested, I snatched my phone back and turned it off. "That's enough," I stated. "Just tell me, why are you so obsessed with him?" I asked. "I'm not obsessed with him, is just that I see how he looks at you and I want to do something!" "Okay you are officially crazy, I thought we had stated that he doesn't like me, so, please, sleep now!" "Ok, ok, But he likes you!" I laughed shortly, "As you say, Lil."

I turned off the lamp and climbed on my bed.

Did he really like me?

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