G O N Z A L E S"I am offended that I had to hear from my boyfriend about this and not my best friend!" Sydney bursts into the library and gets shushed by everyone "I'll shush all you bitches in a minute!" She points to all of them and they all turn back to their tables. She aggressive sits down next to me and slams her hands on the desk "well?" She looks at me with widen eyes "you told me on call that you would tell me today so it's chit chat time"
Rolling my eyes I turn in my chair and Sydney gets comfortable in her chair. "Sooooo" I stall "we kissed on Sunday and then nearly kissed on Monday" i say keeping my voice quiet.
"My Dad almost walked in"
"Daddy Aaron come on, why did it have to ruin it" i stare at Sydney with a blank stare trying to process the words that just came out her mouth "off topic your Dad is a dilf" ew gross.
"Please stop talking" I tell her and she nods "but that was it. Most likely nothing else will happen. We're just friends" I say and something hurts inside when I say 'we're just friends' apart of me feels that that is not true.
"I've seen that boy almost snap his neck because you were laughing and he wanted to see what you were laughing at. But yes keep convincing yourself you're just friends" Sydney tells me and that gives me hope in some way for some reason. "Okay but what about Ashton?"
"We talk at school but he's only been here a week, I want to get to know him more but I feel that I may lead him on"
"Well the Halloween party is in like two weeks, so talk to him more and then see if you like him" she suggests "but I still have hope for Rexi"
"Your ship name, I created it ages ago" she smiles proudly.
"Wow" I say turning back to my computer "oh wait did you get the stuff for your Halloween costume?" I ask Sydney.
"Yeah I ordered them yesterday they'll be coming in a few days. Have you got yours?"
"Yup! I just need to get the shoes then I'm done" I pack all my stuff up and stand up from the desk, me and Sydney stroll out the library together and head towards our class which we have next together.
When we get there Leo and Reece are already sat down on two table one behind the other. I shuffle in between Reece and the table to get to my seat.
"Do you have a pen?" Reece asks me.
"You came to school with no pen?" He nods to my question, rolling my eyes I sit up and slap a pen in his hand which he uses to draw on his hand.
Time to take a nap.
I feel a tugging on my ponytail, slowly lifting my head, i fix my glasses as they have got smushed up to my face, I see Reece is the one pulling on my ponytail "wakey! wakey! sleepy head" he says says as I run my eyes "you slept through that whole lesson, I got bored and braided your ponytail" he says swishing my ponytail on my shoulder.
"You know how to braid hair?" I ask as I stand up.
"Yep. Ki taught me" he says as we walk down the classroom and put the door.
"That's so cute" I say.
"Coach wants to see me so see you later princess" he taps the back of my thigh with a pen as he passes me.
"Bye loser" I say turning in the opposite direction of him. Jogging down the school stairs with textbooks moving up and down on my arms with every step I take.
When I get to my locker I shove my books in my locker but miss one which falls to the floor almost hitting my feet. I go to crouch down to get it but it disappears.
"Here" I look up to see Ashton holding my book.
"Thank you" I tell him with a smile as I take it from his hands, his fingers brush over mine. But I feel no buzz like I do with Reece. Sliding it in my locker I shut it. Sydney catches my eye from the other side of the corridor as she looks at me and Ashton.
"See you around" he says and wonders off, I turn my head as he walks away and he turns his head around to look at me again and then he wonders around the corner.
He's mysterious.
J O H N S O NKnocking on coaches door he looks up at me from his computer and finger points me to come in. I take a seat in on of the chairs opposite his desk.
"How was your little catch up with Aiden Kingston?" He asks turning away from his computer.
"How did you know?" I ask narrowing my eyes at him.
"I know everything, kid. So?"
"I think I went nicely on him" i state.
"Do you? It reads here he has a concussion and bruised ribs" that's here?! I need to work on that.
"That's it?, what a baby I've had a concussion before what a little pussy"
"You got through your concussion by getting drunk every day!" He raises his voice "when we play them in February you better have it together because I am not benching you again if you get into a fight"
"I only did what I did-"
"For a girl. Reece you did it for that girl Lola or whatever her name is. I already know it's quite clear you like her" he takes off his glasses and runs his hands down on his face "she better not distract you too much. What's her name?"
"Lexi Gonzales"
"Gonzales? Is she related to that Jesse punk?"
"Yup, they're siblings"
"Good heavens, he was even worse than you and that says a lot"
"Thanks coach, I really feel loved" I place my hand over my heart.
"Now piss off and get changed"
Standing up I swing my bag over my shoulder and shove the locker room door open, "what was that about?" Marcus asks me as I place my bag on the bench and unlock my locker 1-4-7.
"Nothing much" I shrug.
I hear an echo is laughter behind me, turning around I see some guys on the team and Ashton adding stuff to the handbook. They flick through some pages before one of them writes something down on a random.
"We've got to burn that fucking book before people find out what's inside" Easton mutters and I agree.
triple update !!!
Hope you enjoy xx
Bye Bye
-Nat 💙

Back To You
Подростковая литератураEDITED CHAPTERS: 1-26 Lexi and Reece were inseparable their whole childhood, they always did everything together. Even though they are quite different people they got alone very well. But when Reece finds out Lexi is moving away for an unknown amou...