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"Why are you so grumpy?" Sydney asks me after I finally get a chance to sit down after what feels like forever.

"I haven't sat down in hours plus I have to go see coach- whatever his last name is- after school" I groan juking my hands through my hair and yanking at it.

"Do not take your anger out on your hair" she pulls my hands away from my hair, "and that sucks especially talking to coach he's the grumpiest person I've ever met" Sydney sympathises.

"Why do you have to talk to him?" Ivy asks looking confused as I am.

"I have no clue, I've never really talked to him apart from that one time he yelled at us all in gym" I really have no clue what this 'meeting' will be about but hopefully it doesn't take up much of my time it's Friday and I want a weekend to relax.

"He's yelled at us multiple times so maybe it's about that but then all of us would be going" Hannah wonders.

"Well if it is about that it's not our fault that we have no hand-eye coordination or feet-eye coordination" gym class isn't exactly our strongest lesson.

"I always thought that maybe we should have joined a sport when we started high school" Ivy starts and we all look at her weirdly "then I thought, it would probably ruin our manicures or mean we'd have to get shorter nails-"

"-and also the fact we can't do sports" Sydney finishes off for her.

"Well yeah obviously but nails are more important" true.

I love being a girl.
Only the good parts though.

Like getting my nails done and hair styled and going shopping. All that fun stuff. Best part of my week.

"Sooooo, Lexi" Hannah smiles at me. She is about to ask me to borrow one of my dresses, probably the pink one she was gushing at the other day.

"You can borrow my pink dress" I tell her, "actually keep it. Pink is not my colour" her eyes widen.

"Seriously?! Thank you so much!" She blows me a kiss.

"Hello my girls" Max takes a seat at our table.

"Hey blondie" we all say.

"What are you all talking about?" He asks.

"Not much- hey how's Gracie?" Ivy narrows her eyes at him. Gracie?

"She's good, very much an adrenaline junky definitely did not deflate my ego in any way" max says in a very nervous voice "that was a lie my ego deflated in seconds, I did think she was going to race me to swim across the Atlantic Ocean-"

"Pacific ocean" Hannah chimes in.

"Not the point- but yeah she's cool and scary" max finishes and his cheeks are a little pink.

"Atta girl" Ivy high fives herself, "that still means no flirting with other girls- or woman- or any female!".

"Okay, babydoll" max nods "Oh Lexi coach wants to see you after school" he informs me, I only got to forget about that for five minutes.

"Yeah I know" I grumble.

"Do you know why?"

"No, do you know why?"

"No, sorry"

"Great" I mumble.


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