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Today was my first day working at the cafe. My boss said there would be someone helping throughout my shift which made me more comfortable. I knew how to make coffee and baked goods but I wasn't super confident with making other things like cappuccinos.

I put on a whole black outfit since it was the dress code, just a pair of black leggings and a plain black t-shirt. It was around 3:35 PM and the dafe wasn't far from my house but I wanted to be there a few minutes early to get settled in.

Having no car I would have to walk there, which is fine. Since it's still light out alphas will be less likely to assault an omega because there's people around and they don't want to be caught. Walking home at night was the issue since everyone was at home and snuggled up in their beds.

I made my way out the door and started making my way to the cafe. After a few minutes of walking I could see the sign on the building that read 'Cup of Joy' in a swirly font. It was around 3:50 when I got to the cafe and I headed to the back room where I was instructed to go when I came in for my shift.

There was another girl in there who looked to be in her early twenties. She had dark brown hair and her skin was rich like chocolate. She looked up from her phone when she heard the door close behind me.

"Hey," she said with a smile, "you're Donghyuck right?"

"Yep, that's me." I replied calmly.

"I'm Jamie." she said, putting her hand to her chest.

"Well let me get you an apron and then we can start." she said, standing up. She seemed to be around 5'5.

She opened up a cabinet and grabbed out a new apron with their logo on it. She handed it to me and put the loop over my head and she helped me tie it in the back. We made our way to the front of the cafe and went behind the counter. She seemed to be the only other person working there.

"So let me just show you where everything is real quick."

She pointed to an upper cabinet, "This is where we keep all of our cups, plates, and mugs." She continued to show me everything they kept in the cabinets and then showed me where they kept their coffee and other baking ingredients. She then showed me what was under the counter.

"Oh! And the gloves are on the back counter. Any questions?"

"No, I think I'm good. But I don't really know how to use any of the machines." I said put my hand on the nape of my neck.

"Well that's what I'm going to teach you next. So don't worry." She said with a bright smile.

She taught me how to use the coffee machine and the milk steamer and then taught me how to use the cash register. I wasn't super confident but I'm sure it would increase as I do it more.

Soon a mom and her young daughter came in. Jamie asked me to take their order as she stood at my side.

"Welcome, what can I get for you today?" I asked in a happy voice.

"Um, I'll get one regular coffee and a chocolate chip cookie please." she said, pulling out her wallet.

I clicked what she wanted on the register, "Okay your total will be $8.97. You can put in your card whenever you're ready."

She placed her card in and paid, "Would you like your receipt?" I asked.

"Yes please."

I handed her the receipt and she went to sit down at one of the tables near the window. Jamie started making her coffee and I grabbed a fresh chocolate chip cookie from the tray, putting it in a small paper bag. Jamie left to go take another order while I finished up the coffee. A small beep came from the machine meaning it was finished brewing. I poured it into a mug which also had our logo on it and poured in the creamer. I grabbed the cookie and mug and walked over to their table.

An Unplanned Miracle | MarkhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now