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The past few nights I haven't gotten much sleep. I still haven't gotten used to waking up in a new house. I went grocery shopping for the first time and I don't think I've ever felt so adult like.

I walked into the school. The route I took was a few minutes longer than the one from my parents house but that was okay. I was meeting up with Jisung and Renjun before school. I wanted to tell Jisung about my pregnancy and even though I was scared he was gonna tell everyone he was also one of my closest friends and I wanted him to know.

We all met up in the art room and sat down at our usual table. This was our first period anyway so we thought it would be the most convenient spot. I took a deep breath and looked at Jisung.

"Listen I have something to tell you and before I say it I want you to promise not to freak out. Alright?" I say.

"Why? Are you dying! Please tell me you're not dying!" he exclaims.

"No, I'm not dying! Calm down." I say chuckling a little. "So do you promise to not freak out?"

"Yes..." he says, a bit unsure.

"Now Renjun already knows because he kind of found out with me but..." I take a pause, "I'm pregnant."

His eyes widen in shock but they're also filled with worry and kindness. "Are you gonna keep it?" he asked.

"Um, I'm not sure but all of my instincts are leaning towards yes." I say with a small smile.

"Really!" Renjun chimes in getting excited and I nod my head. He almost tackles me in a hug and Jisung softly claps a bit.

I thought about it a lot the past couple days since I couldn't fall asleep at night. I honestly really wanted to keep the baby, I wanted them to have a life and be raised by me but I honestly don't know if I'd be a good mom. What if I messed up? Or what if they didn't like me?

Having a baby is a big responsibility though but I think I'm ready to take on the challenge. And when I tell Mark I hope he's ready too.


I invited Mark to come over after school because I needed help setting up the TV and he's been asking how the place is doing. I unlocked the door with my key and headed inside, Mark following after me. We both take off our shoes.

"Listen it's not much but it'll work for now." I say placing my bag down near the front door.

"Right, but I think it looks good so far." he said with a smile.

"Do you want anything to drink or something?" I asked, walking towards the kitchen. "And the only things I have right now are water and hot chocolate. If you want coffee you're in the wrong place."

He chuckled, "Hot chocolates fine. It's cold outside anyway."

We made hot chocolate and sat on the couch talking for a while before setting up the TV. It was seated on the ground since I didn't have a TV stand yet but it's better than nothing.

I was feeling quite clingy right now and I just wanted cuddles, I also felt really tired. I swear everyday after school my brain fucking hurts. I laid on top of Mark as we cuddled on the couch. He rubbed my back and gave me a massage I didn't know I needed.

We both closed our eyes and just enjoyed each other's company.

After a much needed power nap I made some gimbap and we both enjoyed it. I was honestly craving some. I was trying to build up the courage to tell Mark what I've been needing to tell him. I didn't know if he wanted to be a dad let alone this early in life. I was scared for his reaction but it's now or never because I know I'll never have the courage again.

"Hey, I have to tell you something. Wait here." I say making my way to my bedroom. I opened my nightstand drawer and grabbed out the bag from CVS. I took the two tests I kept from inside and also one of the sonograms.

I went back out of the bedroom. "Close your eyes." I said before he could look at the things in my hand. I saw him close them and I walked back over to the living room where Mark was sitting.

I sat down next to him. "Put your hands out." I say and he does exactly that. I don't think I've ever been this nervous other than the time when I had to present my 7th grade science project.

I put the sonogram down first along with the two tests. "Okay you can open them."

I took a deep breath when Mark opened his eyes and looked down at the two positive tests. I was almost shaking at this point. His eyes widen when he realizes what it is and he looks back up at me.

"Surprise?..." I say.

"Are you being serious?" he asks and I nod my head.

"Yes I am. I'm pregnant and it's yours. I also want to keep it." I say looking down a bit.

"But how? We used protection I don't understand." he said and I shrugged.

"I don't know, the only conclusion I could come up with was that there was a very small tear and you just didn't notice when you threw it away." I sigh, "I understand if you don't want to have the kid with me."

His arms slowly wrapped around me, "Baby..." he said and I couldn't help but melt into his touch. "Of course I want to have kids with you. I know we're really young and both probably didn't think to have kids this early but I'll help you every step of the way, alright?"

I nod and kiss him, a deep loving kiss. A small tear drips from my eye and he wipes it with his thumb.

"How far along?" he asks.

"Almost seven weeks." I replied and he nodded. He looked like he was about to cry happy tears. "I cried for hours the day I found out. I was terrified."

"I could imagine. But I'm here for you, okay?" He places a kiss on my forehead, "Ever since we first started dating I could just tell that you were the one I wanted, the one I wanted to mate and get married to, the one I wanted to start a family with. So don't be nervous and think that I'm gonna leave you because we're 'Too young' everyone has their own timing for everything."

"Thank you. Thank you so much." I say, giving him another kiss.

He places his hand on my stomach and I put mine on top of his. We were gonna raise this baby together forever.


This chapter is short I'm sorry but I really had no ideas. Also is this going too fast? 

An Unplanned Miracle | MarkhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now