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I woke up still snuggled in Mark's bed. I could feel the warmth of the sun coming through the curtains and onto my skin. My eyes fluttered open and I realized Mark wasn't beside me anymore. I whined and sat up. For some reason I felt extremely happy and my body felt good. A little sore but not anything too bad.

I stretched my arms over my head and got out of the bed. I put on a pair of Nike socks from Mark's drawer and headed downstairs. Mark was in the kitchen making a cup of coffee looking tired as ever. I skip over to him and give him a back hug.

"Good morning!" I say happily in his ear.

He groans in response, he's obviously not a morning person. I giggle and turn him around. I pucker up my lips into a kissy shape and he starts to lean down to peck my lips. I could imagine my future with him. Having a house and kids together. It'd be perfect.

"Good morning boys." a woman's voice said from behind us and we both quickly pulled away.

I turned around to see Mark's mom smirking at us. Mark turns a bright shade of red and goes back to his coffee. To be honest I was too tired to care so I just snuggled back up against his side breathing in his scent.

A cat jumped up onto the island, it was so cute and majestic. It was a black cat with big greenish yellow eyes. I walked a few steps towards it and stuck my hand out for it to sniff. It put its head closer and sniffed my fingers for a couple seconds before rubbing its face against them. I smiled and gave it a few scratches on the head.

"What's its name?" I asked no one in particular since his mom probably knew as well.

"Her name is Zorro." Mark said coming to stand next to me and I looked at the cat with heart eyes. I've always wanted a cat, maybe two or three.

I rubbed behind Zorro's ear and she began to purr, she was adorable. Definitely my new favorite part of Mark's house. I then began making some coffee for myself.

"Sorry, do you have any creamer?" I asked Amanda.

"Yep! It's in the side compartment in the fridge." she said with a smile. I really liked her. She was kind, helpful and super caring and she hasn't seen me that much.

"Mark told me a lot about you." she said and I saw Mark roll his eyes which I chuckled at.

"Really? What'd he say?"

"He said you were super sweet and that he liked you a lot and how you made his life a lot more exciting." she said and I looked over at Mark.

"Why thank you." I said but I was jumping on the inside. I made his life better, at least that's what he said.


I don't know why I felt so sick today, maybe I ate something last night, but I've been to that restaurant multiple times and there hasn't been anything wrong. I also checked my temperature and it was completely normal. Weird.

But the good thing is I was moving in a week which means my birthday is also soon. I mostly finished packing and I only had a mattress on the floor now. My mom probably understood that I was moving out by now but she never said anything to me.

Renjun said he got me a couple gifts for my birthday and so did Jisung. I felt really excited for my birthday this year, maybe because I'm turning 18 and I'll finally be a legal adult.

Mark also said he got me something and I was super curious about what it was for some reason. There weren't any specific things I wanted for my birthday this year so I just said things I liked, then to pick from those.

I was slowly moving boxes into the new apartment. No one was currently living there so they said I could move in my stuff a bit early. Mark helped carry the heavier stuff like my bed frame and desk but other than that I was fine on my own. I also purchased that couch I really liked and it was supposed to arrive in around a week.

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