❝ it's natural to hate someone so trashy. ❞

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It was simple to stay back in the background, be still and be quiet. Something Cale is used to do as others it for him, well, in gatherings. So imagine him not getting too surprised about the fact that he, somehow, had gotten kidnapped surrounded by fucking people.

Tsk. Incompetence really is everywhere. Cale sighs and just watched as a plethora of glowing particles surrounded him then ended up in a white room with a microphone in front of two chairs.

Blearily, Cale gives up thinking logically and just went ahead and sat on the right seat. His expressionless face didn't waver, it was more of like he was just done with everything around him.

For over a few minutes, another poof sounds from beside him. Cale lazily looked towards the other only to find out a feminine mirror of his face- oh, she looks like his mother. Cale definitely knows who this is, a gender bent version of him or well, a girl version. The redheaded male recognises his face everywhere, literally, she has the same set of dead eyes and scowl.

"Yo." He waved his hands.

The red-haired woman raised a brow before nodding in acknowledgement. "Got pulled in this shit, too?"

"Obviously." Cale scoffed playfully, the genderbent him chuckles in the same mocking tone.

[ Welcome, Cale and Claire. You have been invited to Gnosis' Somnus' dimensional pocket. Do not fret, we do not have ill-intent towards the both of you. ]

"That's what they all say."

Both the redheads say in a deadpan manner. Red-brown eyes meet in interest before shrugging it off.

Cale tsked, "Whatever. Hurry up, what's our purpose?"

"Not so afraid to beings, are we?" The redheaded woman snickers.

"Shut the fuck up, you beetroot fungus."

"Excuse me."


"You son of a--"

Claire and Cale sighed at the sudden 'task' made for them to apparently entertain several stars. Fuck these stars. It's their fault they got stuck in come unknown place. Bleh.

"I don't give a fuck. Let me start." Claire immediately sat up properly and cleared her throat. Cale just shrugged and let her do the genre, he can just easily slip his verse in..

Hate me, hate me, still tryna replace me
Chase me, chase me, tell me how you hate me

Oh? Cale hums in sadistic glee, so we start strong, huh? The redheaded male smirked, and crossed his arms.

Erase me, 'rase me, wish you never ever knew me
Lies, tell me lies, baby, tell me how you hate me

A sudden scroll-like screen showed up in the air, two redheads with slightly similar faces could be seen. As they all try to recognise who these were, the results of reactions turned to shock and disbelief.

I bet you don't kiss her with your eyes closed
I bet you're still walkin' on a tightrope
Miss me so much, you've been goin' psycho
You ain't gotta say it, baby, I know (I know, I know, I know)

Cale is interested, the least to say. What's with the lyrics? Did his other self got involved with an affair? Hm~ how interesting.

He'd never thought about it before, he wasn't really that interested in relationships. Probably because he was more focused on family-orientation.

It's a thin line between all this love and hate (okay)
And if you switch sides, you're gon' have to claim your place (okay)

Claire smirked deville, showcasing everyone how bold and dangerous she looks. The male beside him mouthed along the last lines with fox-like sadistic eyes.

At the Henituse Estate, most of the servants flinched at the intended assessment of the song.

So baby, this time you're gon' have to seal your fate (okay)
Yeah, baby, this time you're gon' have to seal your fate

Ah. Thinking about it, they had always been in the line of time. If Cale were to think about it, gnosis means knowledge, which is associated with time and experience. You get knowledge from things that people had experienced before and you have learn overtime.

Chase me, chase me, tell me how you hate me
Erase me, 'rase me, wish you never ever knew me
Lies, tell me lies, baby, tell me how you hate me

The count was naturally aware of the happenings as a wide golden scroll was laid out in the front for everyone to see. The shock and disbelief clouded in his mind, wasn't his son at an event? Why is he there? And why does that girl look like jour?

Hate me, hate me, tell me how you hate me
Tell me how I'm trash and you could easily replace me

Cale had finally sung, a devious smile stuck out as he sang the words with ill-contempt. He had that knowing look in his eyes that made people flinch or slightly cower in fear. A few in particular found the confidence to be ridiculous while others just don't give a care.

Tell me that I'm strung out, wasted on the daily
Prolly 'cause there's no one around me numbin' all my pain
Prolly 'cause there's no umbrella to shield me from all the rain

As the lad sang, he rolled his eyes and circled his index finger, he motioned a crazed action.

Rain city who had been in an uproar could only stare silently at the scroll. The young master was mocking them, then shrug it all off with that trashy and disdainful smirk of his.

Probably because you're the one playin' the mind games
You hate me because I don't let you play no mind games
They give me migraines and damage my brain

The vessels all grit their teeth in annoyance and irritation. How dare that trash. He knew? Fuck, and there goes all their planning. Tch, he was better off dead. That mocking eyes directed to no one in particular was the most annoying thing they had seen.

Care me, break me, easily replace me
Hopefully you see it clear, hopefully it's HD
Bet you wonder why the last few years I've been spacey
In your head, I sing

The Henituse family all frown and seem gloomy at the implications. Cale really was distancing himself from them, after all. And they weren't going any better by doing the same things too.

And tell me how you hate me, hate me, still tryna replace me

Oh well, at least the two of them had fun while people lay in their guilty and fucked up conscience.

author's note.
i am back :D and here is an
og!cale and fem, og!cale.
girl boss and manipulation 😋😈

song - hate me by ellie goulding
and juice world.

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