Teddy Boy Paul

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Word count : 1.7k

"y/n, don't worry about them you look fine" Paul said with a smile while looking at you

"really?" you said while looking down at your feet, you had a little bit of a self confidence issue but your friend Paul always said you look fine, trying to help

"yes, you look really good!" Paul said looking at you still smiling, you were going to meet with his friends, you never really showed any interest in teds as they always treated people bad and were all very ignorant but luckily Paul wasn't, Paul has always been your friend, ever since you were 10

"alright, but that doesn't help we are meeting up with your friends, you haven't even told me their names" you said nervously

"they are fine, if anything happens I'll just tell them to stop, and anyways we need to go otherwise we'll be late" Paul said while grabbing his cigarettes and opening the door, you felt the cold breeze on your bare legs, you chose to wear a pretty pink floral dress with black Mary Janes and a pink cardigan as you thought it was going to be just you and Paul

You and Paul start walking down the street and he pulls out his cigarettes and slips one out and into his mouth, he then pointed the box to you nodded his head asking if you wanted one

"ah no thanks, I don't want them getting the wrong impression" you spoke up and Paul chuckled quietly and lit his fag

"who actually are we meeting?" you asked him

He took a long drag of his cigarette and answered "I told you how ive joined a band, we are meeting them for practice, then we will most likely go drinking" he laughed after, you looked at him in a bit of a stern way, you didn't drink and you've seen Paul drunk once and it was not the prettiest sight ever

"I see.. Well I hope not too much" you said in a half serious half jokingly way, he threw out his smoke and threw it on the broken up pavement

You neared closer to the park that they were meeting up at and saw the boys, you wanted to turn back right away but Paul wasn't letting that happen

Once you reached the gates Paul waved over to them and walked a little faster to them, you behind him

"Mccartney, where have you been we've all been waiting for you" one of the boys shouted at him

"ah yeah sorry I took so long" his tone changed from being in a soft kind tone to matching his other friends voices

"who's the bird you've took? Is she yours" another one of them asked as I stood next to Paul, you weren't looking at their faces as you felt slightly intimidated

"no, we aren't dating, we are just friends yeno" Paul said pretty calmly but they could all see he's blushing a little

"right, I'm sure you were saying the same thing last night" the same person said as he laughed

"oh shut the fuck up, we are just friends" you spoke up finally looking up at the boys, they all had greased up hair with leather jackets and trousers, Paul had similar clothes to them

"oh wow" one of the boys said with a over dramatic voice

"oh yes, her names y/n" Paul said, then whispered in your ear "they'll probably introduce themselves later" Paul whispering to you sent shivers down your spine, he sounded so nice and caring

"ah, well me names John" the boy that made the remark earlier about you and Paul said back

"well let's get to intros later, aren't we meant to be fuckin practicing?" one of the men said

Then you all started walking to someone's house to see them practice their playing, they were all laughing and talking but you didn't care to listen in

Once you arrived there they all picked up instruments and sat down, you sat next to Paul since you didn't exactly know anyone else, you were pretty excited to hear them rehearse

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