Teddy Boy Paul *smut*

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Requested by : maccalove123

Word count : 2k

Due to Paul loosing his dear mother his father decided to go out dating after 2 years of being deeply affected by her death, he met your mother and they married not long after dating

Paul is now your step-brother, you never wanted to speak to him, you were too afraid but now you share a room with him so you have to sadly, he was at school this morning though, you were unpacking the rest of your things on your side of the room

You sat on your bed and worried, you saw photos of people, you assumed it was his friends and maybe even a girlfriend, you saw a guitar at the end of his bed too, you saw a big record collection consisting of jazz, rock n roll, blues and many more genres, you smelt strong cheap cologne, it smelt weirdly good, you saw a lot of hair gel on his desk too and a leather jacket on the back of a chair

You had put up a poster of elvis, you put your box of records and record player on the floor, near enough at the end of your bed, you put a few books into your bedside table and some makeup in there too

Before you knew it Paul was home, you were terrified to meet him, you had no clue what he was like or anything like that, you could hear his footsteps trailing up the stairs and in front of the door, you wanted to scream with fear and excitement

He opened the door, you looked at him and he looked back, he looked sort of confused

"hello? Are you y/n?" Paul asked you, still looking confused "I'm sure dad told me you were in Mike's room, but it's fine"

"yes, I'm y/n, your dad helped me with the bed so I'm sure I'm meant to be in here" you giggled slightly

"you have a nice laugh, I'm sure you're lovely" he said and sat down on his bed, his bed was parallel to yours and his room was a little small so you were pretty close to him

"thank you Paul, you're so kind" you blushed at him, you got up and went to his mirror, it had fingerprints all over it and random marks but it was fine because you were only brushing your hair

You grabbed your jacket and quickly checked yourself in the mirror once more

"where are you going?" Paul questioned, he lay on his bed looking at you

"I'm going to see some friends, maybe you know some hahaha" you said pointing to a boy in a photo on his wall, it was with 2 boys and one of your friends Len Garry

"oh you know Len? I used to be in a band with him, but it's sort of disbanded now" he said, he scratched his head

"oh I see, would you like to come? One of our friends weren't able to make it anyways" you offered, you hoped to god he said no because you were still nervous speaking to him

"go on then, let me change first" he replied, hearing this you smiled, it was a fake smile for sure but obviously he didn't catch on

"alright ill wait downstairs for you" you smiled and left the room, you were debating just running out the house but if you did that he would be angry and it would ruin the relationship between you both, and anyways it could lead to an actual friendship being built

After ten minutes of waiting Paul came downstairs, "let's go, before dad notices I'm gone"he laughed

You left the house swiftly and ran as fast as you could to where you said you'd meet your friends, Len was dating one of your friends so that's why you were friends with him

"Come on Paul" you shouted back, laughing, he sped up and caught up with you, you stopped running and laughed with him

After a few minutes you reached your friends, you introduced your new step brother although your friends already knew him, you had no clue who he was before so it surprised you

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