Teddy Boy John

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Word count : 1.3k

John is playing at the cavern with the rest of the band, they were about to get off stage due to it being 1pm, there were alot of school girls and boys in the cavern because of John, Paul, George and Pete, you weren't really listening to the music, you were thinking and keeping your eyes on John's

You were so deep in thought you didn't realised that John had quickly jumped off stage and came down to you and whispered "come to the backstage but bring a beer" you giggled

You went up to the bar, and got John a beer and yourself an lemonade, you didnt want to drink alcohol at that moment because you knew it was too early

You quickly walked backstage to see the 4 boys sitting on boxes, in a small area, you passed the beer to John and sat next to him, he rest his hand on your thigh and took a big gulp out the bottle

After a while of speaking to the other band in the roomJohn turned to face you and spoke "let's go" then got up and put out his hand, you grabbed his hand and pulled yourself up

You left backstage and the cavern onto Matthew Street, it was still quite early, it was around 2pm and  everyone wanted to get into the cavern and other shops so it was constantly busy

"where are we going?" you asked John, looking up at him

"let's go get something to eat" he replied, he took your hand and started walking towards a diner you really like, it was such a nice comfy place

You went inside the diner and sat down in a booth, John sat opposite of you and you grabbed a menu

"I think I'll have fish and chips and a lemonade, what about you?" you asked John, he was still looking at the menu

"I think I'll have the same yeno" he said and shut the menu and put it down

"John is it really true people thought you were German" you laughed, you weren't sure since John didn't tell you

"haha yeah, they thought we were because someone said we were from hamburg and people thought we just spoke good English" he chuckled but stopped when the waiter came over

You both ordered and the waiter walked away, you knew him from primary school but you didn't want to say anything because of John's jealousy and you werent sure he would really remember you

"this restaurant makes such good food, I haven't eaten here in so long" you said once the waiter left

"yeah, let's just hope they hurry up with the food, I'm starving" John replied and laughed, he held your hand from across the table and played with the ring he gave you

"the ring looks so pretty on you, it suits you" he added, you blushed slightly

"yeah, it's such a pretty ring, thank you for buying it, Johnny" you replied, still blushing

"you're welcome, love, you're so beautiful too" John said to you, looking into your eyes, making you blush

"thank you for the compliments, you look very handsome today too" you said back with a smile

"I just want you to know how beautiful you are and how much i love you" John replied and smiled at you lovingly

"I love you too, I love you more than anything" you said while blushing,

you and John continued speaking for another 20 minutes then the food came out

"this looks great" you said and began eating, John did the same as you

"yeah, it's so good" John said while eating and you put finger over your lips

"it's not good speaking with your mouth full, John" you said sternly, he rolled his eyes as a reply

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