Teddy Boy Paul

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Word count : 1.1k

You had felt bad the whole day, it wasn't getting any better, you just had to cry your eyes out, you felt so upset with everything, you hadn't done anything either due to you having sore cramps and being sick, you didn't like doing things at this time anyways

Paul called you, he always called you around 8-9am to ask how you slept etc and 4-5pm to see how you were each day, you let it ring 3 times until you picked up

"hello?" you spoke into the phone

"hello, love, how are you?" Paul asked

"worse than yesterday, my cramps have been getting worse" you replied

"I feel so upset with it all" you added, starting to tearing up

"it's okay, it will be all over soon, would you like me to come over?" Paul replied

"only if you want, it's pretty cold and dark now" you said silently

"of course I want to, don't worry, I'll be over soon" he said

"would you like me to bring you something? Any fruit? Food in general?" he added

"no its fine, you are enough" you giggled into the phone

"alright well ill be at yours soon" he laughed and hung up

You had to look atleasy presentable for Paul, you knew 'soon' would be more than 30 minutes with Paul, he's probably gone to have a shower or something so you decided to do the same, you cleaned yourself up, the heat of the water helping with your cramps

Once you had finished on the shower you got changed into lovely and soft pyjamas, they were light pink and so warm and cozy, you dried your hair as quick as possible, you normally put so much hairspray in but today you couldn't be bothered and let your natural hair be free, so much lighter on your head

Once you finished all that you had realised it had been 30 minutes and Paul was still not here, you sat on your bed, writing into a diary/journal rather than worrying, you did start worrying when it started heavily raining, "Paul's probably not coming anymore.." you thought out loud

After another 8 or so minutes your mother came up stairs and began shouting "why did you invite that boy over without asking me?"

"mum please stop, please not today" you sighed, you didn't have enough energy "I'm really sick with my period and he said he'd come and help me out" you added

"whatever, just next time ask me alright" she just gave up, and she didn't want to embarrass you, you didn't hear Paul come in though, it was probably the rain dinging down so hard

You heard Paul's footsteps coming up the stairs, you knew it was his because he was so heavy footed and your father wasn't there that night, he opened your door and you jumped up, you put your diary back into your bedside table

"hiya love, this is for you" he said and handed you a bag and a hot chocolate, he was absolutely soaking, his hair was so wet and it was dripping everywhere, his jacket was dripping too

"Paulie you didn't need to do that! Youre soaking! Come get your wet clothes off and get in bed with me" you said and got up and looked in your drawers, giving him clothes he had left there, he had 2 spare outfits at your house just incase

You looked into the bag to see flowers and your favourite sweetie, you felt so happy with it, Paul was such a loving person, you felt very lucky to be with him

"thank you so much Paul, I love you" you said while he was changing in front of you, you got up and put the flowers on your table

"no problem, I just want to make sure you're okay and happy, I love you too, darling " he said and smiled at you

You just smiled back and opened the sweetie packet, it was so tasty, it was really nice Paul is helping you through this time, Paul rubbed a towel through his hair and got in bed with you

" do you have a cigarette? "Paul asked you

"no I'm not allowed to smoke remember, I'm sure you've got some in your jacket pocket, you always do "you giggled, Paul really did always have cigarettes

He got up and checked his jacket, he pulled out a lighter and a cigarette, he lit up the smoke and took a drag, then blew the smoke out and lay next to you again

" how do you feel now? "paul asked after a while in silence

"I feel much better with you" you replied, snuggling up to him, he put his arm around you

"good to hear, did you like the flowers, they got a little ruined in the rain" he sighed sadly

"they are perfect paul! I love them" you replied, trying to cheer him up, but then a strong wave of pain wiped over you, making you curl up and groan

You looked up at Paul desperately and he hugged you as a result, you felt so much pain but being with Paul made you feel a little better

Paul got up and left your room without saying anything, you were so confused but due to the pain you started slowly drifting off

You must have accidentally fell asleep and Paul woke you up because he was getting back into your bed, he put a hot water bottle onto your stomach, you pretended you were still asleep when Paul started hugging you again and whispering nothings into your ear

You did really fall asleep at last in Paul's arms, you kept waking up every 2 hours or about that, you slept so badly when you were on your period

When you woke up properly paul had lay and faced you, playing with your hair

"goodmorning, love" he said to you quietly "did you dream of anything? Did you sleep well?" he asked

"no, not very good, I wasn't able to dream haha, I kept waking up" you sighed, rubbing the sleep out your eyes

"oh that's a shame, I slept wonderfully, probably because I was sleeping next to you" he laughed, you loved Paul's smile and laugh, its so pretty

"haha, you have such a pretty smile paulie" you smiled to him

"you too, let's go down stairs and have some breakfast, I'm quite hungry"


This is so boring and I also hate this, I thought it would have been an OK idea but it's wank

This is so boring and I also hate this, I thought it would have been an OK idea but it's wank

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Me writing this

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