Chapter 09

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WHY did it hurt so much? It had only been a week. You couldn't be... in love. No... it didn't happen that way. Why did he keep talking about time?

Your tears refused to stop flowing, and more than once your stride faltered and you almost turned around.

You were met by Legolas who solemnly looked you over, and led you to the outside stables. He brought out of a stall a saddled beautiful golden mare. He helped boost you on her, and stayed it while he handed you the reins, followed by a midnight blue cloak. It was cold, but not like it had been. Almost like the beginning of a new winter frost. For some reason this did not strike you as odd... and you did not even look about you even when following Legolas to the stables, so wrapped up in your thoughts and emotions as you were.

"You will need this for the air will turn very chilled, very suddenly. You should not have another episode mimicking what brought you to these gates."

You offered a weak smile, and unrolled the garment pulling it about yourself. He held your gaze at that.

"I will not weave a spell to make it so, but I will make a request. If he has given you the means to return to him, please do so. I beg of you. I fear what will become of him should you not. To be truthful I fear for both of you. An unseen malice haunts him, and I feel it will turn to you as well. Take the road back if you can..." He took your hand and squeezed it, "You belong here... with him."

Even through your misty eyes and clouded mind those words seemed haunting and odd, but overwhelmingly true. Yet you were a human, and he was an elf - did you really have someone to come back to?

"please do not delay more than a month. I know my father, and I dare say, I know you as well. Now go! Weave the spell he has given and ride, else it's power diminish!"

You released the breath you had been holding unknowingly, and looked down at the ring. You hesitated for only a moment before turning it three times to the right.

You felt, more than seen something odd and powerful happening with you at it's center. You could not explain it, but it felt as if a gong had been sounded and the vibrations were still working through the air.

Legolas went to the horse's bridle and leaned in to the horse saying, "Enchantment take her where she is to be. Take her with all due speed!"

The horse took off in a run which caused you to hang on for dear life. You'd never ridden a horse before, and the swaying made you feel as if you would fall off. You instinctively hugged your legs into it's sides and bent down wide eyed. The horse must have sensed your unease and slowed to a trot, then a walk.

"Sorry Enchantment. I've never ridden a horse before." You told her grateful for her change in pace, but quickly turning somber. The horse merely neighed, as if assuring you it was alright, and continued.

Your mind raced a mile a minute, and you were only vaguely aware that things in the forest felt odd, and looked different, as if things were swiftly reversing itself. Snow was becoming thinner then thicker, until finally it slowed down with it's weird ascending and receding, and stayed thick and falling, just as it was on the night you found Thranduil's halls.

You pulled the cloak about you tighter and it kept you warmer than you expected, the hood also cutting the wind from your face. It seemed like hours, but finally you seen what looked like a thinning of the trees, which meant the edge of the wood was nigh. As you looked forward, you realized a blizzard was whipping about the open spaces, claiming the exposed thinning trees and ground.

It began to hit you, and you almost wanted to stagger further back into the forest remain in the protection of the king's trees.

You peered down at the ring and it's single jewel, biting your lip. Your heart fell into a silent despair then. How do you know if he really meant for you to return? Why did he act the way he did? Why did leaving him and being here where you knew your stint with a fairy tale probably ended hurt so much? You had only been with him for merely a week. Correct?

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