Chapter 14

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AS Thranduil went back to sleep, you decided to go on a walk through the castle. Eventually, you would venture outside, but did not wish to take that step until you had Thranduil by your side to help you return. Yet all around you, built even into the castle itself were natural wonders and elements. The very center of it was built around a great tree. The castle itself took strange turns and curves, dips and rises to accommodate the growth outside it's walls.

Today, you decided to retrace your steps to the gardens. You seemed to remember it well, as if a long lost memory led you there without guidance. You had a mission of sorts, but you also wished to work through the many thoughts, emotions and truths you had come to know in just a few a days time. Your path was unhindered and the shadow queen was no where met.

That was until you just got to the rising stone steps that led to the gardens. She was there, as if predicting your destination.

"Whore!" she shouted at you.

You stopped in your tracks, rolled your eyes and looked at her. "What is it you want now? Eye of newt?"

She snickered at the jest, and stepped forward to the edge of where light and shadow met. "You and I both know what I want. Just leave. Go back to the human world, find a man to live out your short life with," she began to pace, "have lots of babies, and forget about this place. I'll even leave you alone."

You pursed your lip and stepped in closely to her cold, white, beautiful and horrible face. She took a step back as you continued to advance and you met her in the shadows, pausing when you seen someone pass by. "You would love that, wouldn't you? I'm sorry, but I am afraid I can not comply." You curtsied at her in mockery and turned to head for the steps.

To your shock she grabbed you. The cold crept up your arm, nearly taking your breath away. You tugged your arm out of her hand, and turned to look at her.

"He is mine." she hissed. "He did this to me, and he alone should pay the consequences of it."

You drew yourself up as tall as you could. "We already covered this. He used to be yours. He is now mine." Her eyes narrowed but you continued before she could continue, "Yes, he caused this. But now you have another solution. Whatever gods there may be provided it, and I am sorry that it did not happen to be the solution you wanted." You took a breath and stepped in close to her.

"He has already suffered under your abuse for over a century. Aren't you tired?" you asked her with furrowed brow. She gave you a quizzical look. "Aren't you tired of always being the hated object? Always being the one who just spits out the venom, and lurking in shadows, following people around and mocking them, and torturing them? Plotting and scheming for no other purpose than to make everyone miserable? The thing no one is willing to even acknowledge exists?"

You glanced up at a candle in a stand near by and took it down and passed it front of you causing her to shrink back. "I know this is your bane. So why don't you go find some dark hole and just stand in it?"

You stepped away from her then and replaced the candle as you walked to the stone steps and began to ascend.

"I HATE YOU!!! I WILL KILL YOU! I VOW IT!!!" she screamed up at you when you were about five steps up.

You set your jaw, and turned to look at her, slowly and deliberately. "So you have already said. As I already told you, I'm waiting for it. What will it be this time? Ribbons to strangle me with, or a poison apple instead of a comb?"

She stepped back and looked at you shocked.

You nodded. Evidently, she did not know that you knew about her last victim. "Yes, I know about Elizabeth, and all I can say is, I am sorry. But you need to understand one thing. It is going to be either me or you. You know it, and I know it, and I have the advantage here. Now if you'll excuse me."

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