Chapter 05

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FOR the next few days you seen little of the king save when he took you to dinner. You were told you were free to explore the palace in his absence, which you did at first reluctantly then found it an interesting occupation. You found a library, but the books were written in another language and alphabet. You found the kitchens, and quite accidently found the prince's and servant's quarters. You found the enchanted indoor hot springs which had given you pause at first worried you were perhaps situated over a thermal vent, until you were assured otherwise. You also found a spacious and what seemed endless a garden. At the end of your third day's exploration, you had found the former queen's quarters.

Legolas was there, and let you in when you approached the door. He assured you that it was okay, and when you entered, it felt as if magic itself was thick in the air. White curtains swished about in an unknown breeze, something which seemed to occupy all rooms, but even more so here. A fire was lit though the occupant would not return. Not a spec of dust was found anywhere, and not one trinket seemed out of place or tarnished.

The open wardrobe housed gowns that sparkled and glowed regally and beautiful in the light. Each perfume bottle, and comb glittering in the firelight was put just as it was left. The made bed with the silver trimmed comforter seemed still warm with it's previous occupant's body. It felt beautiful and terrifying at once.

Finally, Legolas the unspoken curiosity in the room which hung on the wall covered with a dust cloth behind a golden mirror. You gasped at it's revelation.

"This is my mother." His gaze was unemotional, almost hard.

"She's beautiful," was all you could muster.

It did little justice. A woman was seated on a stool in the picture in front of the king. Proud and lovely just as was her husband. Her hair was blond with just a hint of strawberry in it's highlights, falling in a straight waterfall to the floor. Dancing green eyes that were just as ethereal as her husband's. A beautiful red mouth gave a hint of a smile, and the petite nose was perfect. Her build was much smaller than her husband's. The dress, just a hint of blue was decorated it seemed in starlight itself, and the delicate bejeweled hand lay confidently on the hand of her husband's at her shoulder.

You and Legolas stared at it for a while before he spoke. "Yes, she was very beautiful. She died as a result of her own vanity, sadness and ill temper. But yes... she was once known as the fairest creature in the land."

The choice of words gave you pause, and ripped your gaze away from the couple in the picture to their son. A red flag went up in your mind for some reason with in you. Afterall, where had you heard that before?


That night you found yourself given a new wine-red gown and a set of jewels that you were told were yours to keep. Astonished still when you were dressed and primped into a state that rivaled even the elven maids that attended his banquets. You felt humbled by it.

He led you down what was becoming familiar pathways and tall arches to the same banquet hall as before, and every night since. Each night, just as this one, it was set exquisitely. Each night, though it seemed more pronounced than the previous ones, he led you in like a proud, prancing peacock to the seat you had next to him, and later to the dance floor. Throughout the night the shadows bothered him into a provoked state. This night he ordered more torches to be brought and placed where the darker shadows lie.

As he lead you across the dance floor you became increasingly aware that he was pressing you closer against him than he normally did. You found yourself getting lost in his arms and that blue eyed gaze of his. Stars danced in your mind, and you felt like a spell was being weaved tighter about your soul. Something important seemed to be defying your memory, but the harder you reached to remember it, the more elusive it became.

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