Not Drunk Enough

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Laying in bed staring at the ceiling trying to count all the little dots from the popcorn ceiling. This is where I know my life has hit rock bottom. I groan when I hear my phone going off again for the 20th time. I roll over to see who it is this time and grab my phone when I see it's my friend Anna.

"What!" I growl into the phone.

"Get your ass up, I'm at the door," she says with a laugh.

"Ugh, fine," I say as I roll off the bed.

I shuffle to the door bumping into the couch. God this place is so small! New York may have been my dream place to live, but this place sucked. Now hopping to the door holding my knee I unlatch the door and open it to a disturbingly happy face.

"What are you doing here? Can't you see I'm busy sulking?" I say glaring at her as she walks in.

"It's been a week Katie and I'm here to clean you up and bring you back to life," she says smiling again.

God, I could just punch her for being so happy. I roll my eyes at her.

"Anna, I'm not ready to be done," I say stomping my foot like a child.

Anna puts the bags she has down on the counter and walks over to me. She grabs my shoulders and pulls me in for a hug.

"Girl, it's been a week and none of this will bring him back. Plus you don't even want him back in your life anyways. So go take a shower, because you stink," she says and pushes me towards the bathroom.

"I do not!" I say laughing as I walk towards my closet.

"When was the last time you showered then," she asks with her eyebrows raised.

I just look at her not saying anything.

"Exactly! Now go," she says flipping her hand to the bathroom.

"Yes, mother," I grumble on my way to the bathroom.

I hear her laugh as I close the door.

I sigh as I look at myself in the mirror. My black hair is greasy, and there are dark bags under my blue eyes. I have always loved my blue eyes, they are usually a bright deep blue, but lately, they have become dull. Turning on the shower, I get undressed, and of course, to shame myself even more a Cheeto falls out of my bra. Ugh! What is going on in my life!? By now the water is finally warm enough to get in.

I take my time making sure to shave my legs finally. I'm embarrassed to admit it's been a few weeks now since I have shaved, even before the breakup. I had just finished putting conditioner on my hair when the water turned freezing!

"Aaaahhhhh! What the hell!" I yell.

Then I hear Anna laughing. That bit*h! This apartment was so old that only one pipe could have hot water at a time. She must be in the kitchen.

I quickly finish washing my hair and turn the water off.

"Hurry up in there!" she says, laughing while banging on the door.

"Not cool Anna, not cool!" I yell to the door.

I hear her laughing as she walks away. I get dressed in some leggings and an oversized t-shirt.

When I walk out I see she has been cleaning and even made lunch. I walk up to the bar and sit on the stool watching her finish making a sandwich.

Anna is beautiful, she has long blond hair and bright green eyes. Her makeup is always done to perfection. Her nails are always the perfect length and somehow always coordinate with her outfits. Rarely do I ever see her in something not high fashion. She has the perfect body, mostly from working out every day. Anna lives in a high-rise apartment, the kind where you need to make 7 figures to afford anything.

I'm always surprised that she has stayed my friend all these years. We are clearly not in the same social circle, but we have been friends since high school. Anna started a unique job causing her to drop out of college. During her second semester at LSU, she became an escort. I still can't believe she did it. Her parents even stopped talking to her for a while. They eventually came around and realized it was her life and she can live it the way she wants.

When I say she makes bank, this girl makes bank!

"Katie, what are you gonna do? How much more work can you take off?" she asks while passing me my food.

I take a minute, looking at my food before I answer her.

"I have six days left before Gerry will fire me," I say sighing.

"How long can you last on your savings?" she asks taking a bit of her food.

"I don't know maybe two months. Depends on how much food I buy," I say with a laugh.

"I know you think my job is a "dirty" job and it's all about sex, but I really think you would do good as an escort," she says with a little giggle.

I roll my eyes at her and laugh.

"There is no way! I am not brave enough to do that! Plus my sexual experiences are not that great, they would probably make me pay them for how awful I would be," I say laughing some.

"Katie, it's not always about sex! Some men just want company or need a date to an event to show a girl off," she says with a huff.

Anna had been trying to get me to try it for months now. She thinks it will help me break out of my shell.

"Anna, I don't think I'm drunk enough for this conversation," I say laughing.

She laughs and turns around to another bag behind her and pulls out a bottle of my favorite tequila.

"Well, good thing I came prepared," she turns opening the bottle.  

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