Fresh Hell

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The rest of the day was amazing. We all took advantage of the pool and Anna and I laid out to tan until dinner was ready. Damien's mom was so sweet to me. She insisted on me calling her Mamma Gigi or just Gigi if I wanted. Her name was really Georgia, but she said it was too formal to use that name and she refused to go by Mrs. Decarlos. All through lunch she told us stories about Damien growing up. She embarrassed him to no end, but we all loved it. She had napped after lunch but promised more stories at dinner. Damien was less than thrilled.

When dinner came it was served outside and I was once again in awe of the Pyramids at night. They were lit up and it looked like something out of a movie. I was lost in thought while marveling at them and didn't hear my name being called.

"Katie?" Gigi said my name again. Damien bumped my arm bringing me back to the table.

"I'm so sorry! I was just admiring them again," I told them all and Gigi just laughed.

"It's okay. I totally understand. When I first came here it was hard to not watch them all day. But I was asking how you and Damien met?" she had asked that question right at the moment I chose to take a drink. I almost spit it out and had to cough before I could talk.

"Yes, Katie. Tell us how you met?" Nick encouraged. I glared at him and he fought hard to not laugh. Anna was almost turning purple with keeping her laughter in. Gigi was looking around at us all excited as if it was some exciting story.

"Well, now you have to tell me," she grinned. Damien quickly shoved a big bite of food in his mouth and shrugged as if he couldn't answer at the moment.

"Um...we met at an art gallery," I said the first thing I could think of.

"Oh, how sweet is that! When he told me about you he never said how you two met," she explained.

"Yeah, we had a mutual appreciation for the art being displayed," I said and Damien choked a little on his food and I glared at him.

"Actually, Nick and Anna set us up on a blind date," Damien told her.

"Oh, that is nice of them! I hope he took good care of you," she said.

"He was...very attentive to my needs. The perfect gentleman," I beamed at her. Damien kicked me under the table and Anna had to cough to cover her laughter.

"See! I knew you could be a gentleman," Gigi told Damien.

"Alright mom, that's enough," he laughed.

The rest of the night was filled with laughter. Gigi told us how she met Damien's dad. She had been on a tour of Greece and ran into him every day during her trip. She later found out that he was following her. It was love at first sight. She left her tour group and missed her flight to stay there longer with him. It was a sweet story.

Damien had gotten a phone call during dinner and left to answer it. He promised to finish what we started on the roof so we planned for an early night. When he came back he was clearly agitated. He grabbed my hand and held it tightly.

"Is everything okay?" I whispered. Gigi was still distracted by Nick, so I didn't want to ask too loudly.

"I'll tell you later," he said through gritted teeth. He wasn't just agitated, he was mad. Something bad must have happened. The rest of dinner went by quickly and Damien remained quiet.

We said our good nights and quickly went upstairs. He took us to our room and told me to change for bed and then left. His silence was making me angry at this point. So many thoughts ran through my head as I changed. I had gotten used to sleeping in his clothes each night or naked but I felt a distance between us and opted for the one pair of pj's I brought with me. Just shorts and a tank top. I had hoped he would come back right away so I sat on the edge of the bed waiting for him but after 30 minutes I grabbed a blanket and sat on a lounge chair that was placed by the window. I could see the pyramids from here so I leaned back and just watched the nightlife out the window. It was hard to see the stars with all the lights but the view was still beautiful.

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