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Everyone wants someone who will listen to him or her!
I sometimes wish that there is someone I can pour out my  heart to without any shame or fear!
I sometimes wish I had someone I can easily pour out my feelings to without fear of it being exposed!!
I have been through a lot that no one knows about,I have done really well hiding in my mask for so long.
Sometimes I wish that someone will sit and be willing to hear me out,offer me a shoulder to cry on and also say soothing words to me but that has never happened!
In School my friends always tell me their problems and I offer them advice and encouragement,they often say that I was good in giving advice and encouragement but they never saw mine or let's say I never opened up to them.
I was afraid of being seen as weak or abnormal and let's just say am still dealing with that right now!
The only difference is that now I have someone who I can be open with and have no fear.
Someone I can tell my secret to and be assured that it is safe.
Someone who can see all my pain and sorrow even before I say it out!
Am sure we sometimes feel that way but I have a remedy.
I have tried it and it is working.
Do you know that God is always willing to answer you?.he wants you to talk to him about everything.
Yes he knows your heart but he still wants you to come to him.
After I learnt of this,things have been easier for me,I speak to him about everything,about my pains and depression and he speaks to me through his word.
Sometimes I will cry my heart out and then I will feel like picking up my Bible and then when I open it without any scripture in mind all I see is a reassuring word from the Bible and them my waterworks will start all over again(am so emotional). 
Things have never been easy for me, sometimes I feel like am all alone in this world,no one sees my pains,no matter how I try people only get to see my flaws.
As am writing this currently,I tell you an in deep pain,my heart is seriously aching me and am just feeling numb,empty and lonely.
Actually something happened today,I was should I say misunderstood and then seen as a rebel,I tried explaining myself but no one cared to listen.
It is damn painful,I feel like my chest is going to rip apart,I am writing this right now in my dark room, lying on the bed sad and depressed.
Am sure someone is feeling worst than me but what am trying to point out here it that you should let it out.
One thing that works for sure is telling it all to God.
I was feeling worst than this but then I started speaking to him.
All I said was:
God am tired,I can't go on, please help me,take this wheel from me,I can't go forward on my own,please help me!!!
I kept repeating those words with endless tears pouring out of my eyes,after that I downloaded a diary with lock app on my phone and I poured my heart into it.
Now I am feeling a little bit better but am going to be fine,I know that these are just steps to my greatness.
I don't know what's going on with you but I want you to tell it all to Jesus,pour out your mind,he won't mind and your secret is safe with him!
You can also confide in you trusted friend or family,as for me he's my best friend,I don't have any other.
You can also listen to an inspirational music and also read and most importantly write it out, download a diary with lock,I think that's better than the hard copy that can be seen by others or maybe siblings.
Everything is going to be alright, believe it
God is working it and has worked it out for you.
Be patient, it's coming to an end

Talk to God now
Read your Bible
Listen to an inspirational music (God will work it out by maverick city or you say by Lauren Daigle)
Get a journal or diary and write it out.
Be encouraged.

Author's Note
That's it,I feel a little bit better pouring out my mind.
Please if you know a friend who is going through depressed get him/her to read this book.
Depression is something that can make one feel like dying,it is very bad and I can attest to that.

I will like to read your comments on this.
Pls don't forget to comment and vote this chapter especially the comments,I will like to read it.
If you feel like talking to someone then you can chat me up through my WhatsApp number:07064744105
I will be delighted!!
Let's fight this together.
Stay blessed guys!
See you soon!

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