Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

It was dark when Seto awoke. His vision was still waking up as he saw a blurry sunset from where he laid. Orange coated the skies, fading out into a red, then a violet purple, ending with a finale of navy. Seto honestly loved sunset, as he watched the stars flicker to life once it got dark enough. Though this time, there were no stars, no little white dots in the sky to tell him all was well. Something was up.

Staggering to his paws, Seto slipped on the blanket that he had laid upon, falling back on his face. He knew that he should stay and rest, but with no stars in the sky, with the screams that suddenly flooded his ears, and the vile smell of smoke that filled his nose, he knew that rest right now, was not an option.

The old she cat from earlier was gone. From the looks of how messy she left the place, she had left in a hurry, as blanket and dust was everywhere, and all the neatly organized bottles of medicines that were once on the shelves, were now cracked, and spilled on the floor. Seto then promptly stood up again, his strength returning to him much faster than before. He walked carefully out of the shelter he was in, walking out onto the streets of the kingdom. What he saw, was a nightmare. It was like a stroll through hell, as flames flickered through houses, cats were running from the ashes that fell gently from the sky. Blood stained the path, bodies of the innocent piling up on the side of crumbled buildings, the light that was once in their eyes were flying to join the starless night. Smoke climbed towards the sky, flooding out the distant sunset. It brought tears to Seto's eyes, as he stood out in the middle of it all, in nothing but a cape.

So much could happen in the few hours that he was asleep. He was surprised himself that he had slept through most of it. Tears stained his fur as he thought of that, some of them dripping down to the blood covered ground. He was scared, he was horrified. Seto then began to move forward. He didn't know why he was, but he was so sad and terrified that he let his paws walk on their own. He wasn't in the mood to care to where he was going. He swam between the crying cats, obscure to the thousands of blames that he did it all. He just moved.

Then he stopped. At the base of the hill where he lived. The tower was crumbled, to a state that it would be impossible to repair. An ever so large lump in his throat grew bigger with each step he took up that hill. He missed his home, all the studies that he had done while he was rejected from society; gone. But that lump of sadness had grown so big, he burst into a sobbing fit when he saw the body that was lying in the pile of rock and planks.

"Why..." Seto croaked, "Why did you have to go?" he plopped himself down next to brown cat who had brought happiness to him in the past three days. The only cat who always seemed to smile whenever things got sad. But the glowing flames that were once in her hazel eyes had vanished altogether. She was gone. Then he noticed the others.

Adam, Ty, Jason. All of them were buried under the piles of stones that had once made his home. Their legs had been twisted in weird angles and you could see blood dripping from their wounds. They looked in no shape to be living again, and from what Seto saw, it was all an instant death.

He screamed. He screamed an ear splitting screech at the sight of all his friends dead. He fell to the floor, clutching the sides of his head and yowling out into the night. Tears fell down his face, soaking his fur and staining the dirt under his paws. He soon began to cough on his own breaths and his voice droned out into a quiet whisper from shouting out. He kicked and slammed the ground with his paws, hitting them harder each time. He was so enraged at the sudden sadness that had come so quickly it overwhelmed him. So much that it turned him over to the side that he never wanted to show. His eyes began to glow with the flickering fire of magic, making his sight blurry and uncontrolled. He continued to hit the ground with flame on his paws, the violet blaze crossing up his forelegs in a speed that grew with every deafening shout that he cried.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2015 ⏰

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