Bread | 2

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I woke up by skipping through four of my alarms on my phone. I checked the time. 09:45. It wasn't that late in the morning. I could probably go buy some groceries for dinner tonight.

I saw my mom setting up breakfast for me and her. As she saw me walk out of my door, she greeted me warmly. "Good morning, love. How was the meteor shower last night?" She asked. "It was great, mom. You should've came with me." I told her. "I would've came if I could. Y'know how precise jobs are in Japan. They called me in last night unexpectedly." She explained.

I nodded as I sat down at the table. Me and mom both ate very well. "Summer, could you go get some groceries for me? I have to be at work early today." Mom said. "Sure." I replied. I cleaned the dishes as my mom got ready for work. Just as she was about to go out the door, she handed me a few yen. "Be careful, alright? I love you, sweetie. See you later." She said. "I love you too, mom. Bye!" She gave me a peck on the cheek and left.

I grabbed my hat, jacket, and set off on my bicycle. "Okay so, milk, bread, cheese, and rice. Got it." I said to myself. Not far from my house was Daiso; a convenience store. I parked my bike and went in.

I shuffled around my pocket in my jacket to count how much money I had until suddenly a folded piece of paper fell out. I bent over to pick it up as I realized it was from that guy last night. I had completely forgotten all about it. What was his name again? I look at the paper and read Kenta Yuuzen.

"Kenta Yuuzen?" I ask myself quietly. "Summer?" I turn around to see Kenta standing right behind me. "Good morning," He greeted me with a smile. "Good morning, Kenta." I greeted him back. I turned away and continued to look for the items that I needed. He was following behind me like a lost cat. I stayed quiet the whole time.

"Ignoring me? Thats rude, Summer. I thought you were a nice girl." Kenta said. I ignored him. "You still haven't added me on lineee~" Kenta complained. "Does your mouth ever get tired of flapping all the time?" I questioned him. That shut him up. I turned to look at him annoyed and he looked the other way pretending as if he didn't hear me or wasn't following me.

The bread that lied before me was too high for me to reach. Bread was the most important thing that I needed to buy yet I was cursed with my height. I knew I didn't win the genetic lottery. I slowly turned to Kenta who watched me struggle the entire time who gave an innocent 'I don't know what's going on' look. I gave him a small scowl hoping he would take the hint. After staring at me for a while, he broke character and smirked.

He grabbed the bread effortlessly and held it in front of me for me to take. As I was about to take the bread, he snatched it away and held it behind his back. He laughed at me. "You're hilarious." He laughed so hard I could see him start to tear up. "Haha- Hand the bread over, Kenta." I demanded. "No." He flat out said. I was stunned.

"Come on, I really need it." I pleaded. He still wouldn't budge. I then forcefully tried to grab the loaf of bread behind him but he instead just put it above his head. "What do you want? Money?" He shook his head. What could he possibly want?

"Eat with me." He said. I gave him a 'wtf is wrong with you' look and walked away. He took my arm before I could walk farther away from him. "Please, Summer." I could tell he was being serious. "You still owe me, by the way. I got the bread for you." He said. "Yeah, but you won't give it to me." I replied. I shook off his hand.

I walked off again but this time he turned me around to face him directly. I looked me dead in the eyes. "Okay, how about this? You eat with me and I'll give you the bread." I raised my eyebrow wanting to hear more. Kenta sighed and looked at the ground. "...and I'll leave you alone."

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