Exploring | 8

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"So what now? I don't know where we are." I asked Kenta. "Well actually.." Kenta grinned at me. "My parents own this part of the beach." He announced very boastfully. "And what about it?" I asked him. Kenta lost his smug grin. "..my house is near us. We could crash at my place tonight." He said. "Sure." I replied.

"So this is all I have that you could wear." Kenta offered me a big t-shirt. "Is this even yours? It's huge." I questioned. "It was my dad's but he gave it to me because it was 'out of his comfort zone' or something." I gave Kenta a questionable look. "My dad's a rich guy. He doesn't like wearing clothes like this, y'know?" Kenta explained.

"Yeah, I guess." I replied. "I'll change in the bathroom, then." Kenta nodded his head. I looked outside the room and everything was just huge; it was like a maze. Is this even a beach house? This is more like a mansion on the middle of the beach.

As I stood right next to the door, I kinda just stood there awkwardly gawking at Kenta like a lost cat until he looked at me. "Why are you just- oh!" Kenta paused. I squinted my eyes at him and he laughed. "Don't worry, I'll show you where the bathroom is." He got up. "Why would I worry about anything?" I said to Kenta as he walked pass me. He turned and smiled at me. I rolled my eyes.

As we got to the bathroom, Kenta said, "You can take a bath if you want. We've been outside for a while and I'll take one after you're done. There's extras of everything somewhere in the cabinets if you just look around." I nodded.

This bathroom was bigger than my bedroom! To the left, there were 3 sinks. On the right, there was a big glass shower that looked very fancy. And right in the middle was a huge bathtub that had what I assumed gold and other jewelry added on to it. How even fricking rich is Kenta?

After I finished showering, I went straight of Kenta's room to see he was gone. He probably went to one of his other a million bathrooms.

I already texted my mom that I'll be staying at a friend's house tonight so, what should I do? I looked around this giant room and saw a mini-library. Kenta has a library in his room but I doubt he hasn't even read one entire book. I went over to the library and tried looking for an interesting title.

'Steven Clarence: How I became a Billionaire', 'Ren Ishikumori: Prosperity and Value', 'Natsuo Tsushima: Japan's Economy',
'Kazuya Yuuzen: Autobiography: How You Can Also Be Successful',

Yuuzen? Is this Kenta's father? I took out the book and to my surprise, a few photos fell out. I placed the book down on the couch as I picked up the photos.

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