Just As Important As Memories | 9

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There were four little boys posing in front of a camera. The first boy I could tell was Kenta, the second and third one, not so much but the last one definitely reminded me of someone I met before. He was taller than the rest and had a bit of a tan. He didn't look that much Japanese but he probably was. Then suddenly, someone popped up in my mind. Suuga! The last boy was Suuga!

I focused more on the last boy and he definitely had his features. I didn't notice they looked similar at first because back then, Suuga had jet black hair and was pretty skinny.

Those boys were probably the boys who Kenta talked about earlier. It's sad to hear how worse they've gotten because back then, they used to be innocent nonchalant kids.

The door creaked open and Kenta walked in. He shook his wet brown hair and looked over at me. "Hey, Summer. Whatcha looking at?" He walked over to me and looked over my shoulder. "Just some old photos." I move the photo from the front to the back.

A photo of Kenta and Suuga are wearing funny masks on their face; probably for a school event. "Oh, that one's a good one." Kenta smiled. I chuckled. "Looks like you and Kenta were really close back then." I reminisced. "Yeah, he's my closest friend out of everyone in our friend group." Kenta said.

"There should be an old photo of me and the guys when we were in junior high." Kenta took the photos from my hands and skimmed through them. He then stopped at one. "Ah, here it is."

The same four little boys I saw before but they looked around 13ish this time. They were all sitting around Kenta at a desk in school. "That one's me, that one's Suuga, that one's Yuuki and that one's..." Kenta's voice quieted. I noticed that his face expression slightly changed. I payed more attention to the boy near Suuga. There really wasn't anything that stood out about him but he seemed like a really happy guy.

"Um.." Kenta said. "I think we should get some sleep. You can take my bed, I'm fine sleeping on my couch." I shook my head. "No. Don't sleep on the couch, you might catch a cold." I said suddenly in concern. Kenta pursed his lips together in confusion. "Then where should I sleep?" He asked.

I hesitated and looked the other way to hide my embarrassment. "...just sleep on the bed with me. Your bed is literally bigger than the two of us." I suggested. Kenta went quiet. I didn't say a word or even look at him. "I'm sorry, I can just sleep on the-" Kenta cut me off. "..no, it's fine. You don't have to apologize, Summer. I can sleep on the bed with you." Kenta blurted out.

I peered up at him to see the nape of his neck and ears slightly pink. I didn't even know that could happen to someone.

Kenta stayed on the left side of the bed while I stayed on the right. The bed was very comfortable. It was huge, warm, but cold at the same time. It also had Kenta's fresh scent on it. Something planty yet fresh. Sorry, is that weird to say?

"Summer." Kenta practically whispered. I was startled from the sudden noise. "Kenta?" I responded. "I know I've only met you this summer but..." There was a large pause. I turned my body to face Kenta. His back was still facing me. "...I think I'm really gonna miss you.." Kenta quieted.

I saw the muscles on his back relax; as if he's been wanting to say that. "I know I say that you're not a nice girl and that you're a bully all the time but...I want you to know that I never meant any of that." Kenta continued. "In fact, I think you're an amazing girl and I don't really want this- us to end, y'know?" Kenta confessed. He turned around to face me face to face. I could see his cheeks brighten from not expecting me to be so close to him.

He looked down. "So," Kenta said. "I want to make the most of this summer with you so that the both of us don't forget each other when it's over." I intertwined my hands with his. He was still looking down. I could tell his breathing got a bit faster. I chuckled. I lifted his chin with my hand. "Look at me." I said.

He gazed up into my eyes with his innocent honey-brown eyes. I could feel my cheeks filling up with warmth but I brushed it off. "Even if we never see each other ever again, I will never forget you, Kenta." I reassured him.

He smiled. His smile was so expressive yet so gentle like a soft kiss of a cold breeze on a hot summer day. I smiled at him like an idiot.

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