Sweet As A Kitten | 5

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As I was about turn the corner, I could hear even more meows. Are there more kittens? I turned the corner and saw the same guy that came up to me and Kenta earlier today. A few of the kitties were lied on top of his arms and lap. He was feeding them.

As I crept up closer, the guy turned around. His light-brown, even golden eyes locked on me as I came up to the box of kitties. I smiled. I pet the kitties and let them climb on top of me.

As I pet the kittens and place them back on the ground, I put my hands on my lap. "...That's relieving." I say. He turned to look at me. "The last thing I would expect someone like you to do it be feeding kittens." I tilted my head. He tilted his head back at me, intrigued, as if telling me he wanted to hear more. "Hm?" He crossed his arms. "What would 'someone like me' be doing otherwise?" He asked.

"Well for starters, you came up to me and Kenta, pulling Kenta away from me for 'a smoke'

I turned to look the other way in embarrassment. I wouldn't want this stranger to see me blush this hard around them. "Well, young lady, I think your boyfriend's waiting for you." He motioned his thumb a little far out on the beach. I squinted my eyes to focus and I saw a person at a particular place. The same place where me and Kenta met.

I check my the time on my phone hurriedly. 20:15. "Oh no, I forgot about Kenta" I hit myself on the head for being such an idiot.

"Look, I had a nice time speaking with you but I really have to go now. Catch you later, stranger." I saluted him as I ran off. "Wait!" I could hear the guy shout out at me. He ran to catch up to me. "My name is Suuga Kuran." I smiled. "Mine is Summer Yamada." I turned away from Suuga and ran off once again.

I panted as I tried to catch my breath from sprinting. I hadn't done any running like that ever since school went out. "Summer?" Kenta exclaimed.

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