Aubree Tate thought that she and Ryan Blaney would be together forever, until a devastating diagnosis turned her life upside down. With her future uncertain, she makes the heartbreaking decision to let go of the person she loves most in the world. T...
"Happy birthday beautiful." Strong arms wrapped around my midsection from behind and warm lips pressed to my cheek as I stood in the bathroom of the bus getting ready for the day having just finished my shower.
"Thank you baby." I smiled before turning my head to capture his lips with mine.
This was going to be an amazing weekend, I could just feel it. In fact, the last couple of months have been absolutely amazing. I was completely and officially moved in with Ryan. All traces of she who's name shall not be mentioned, but rhymes with shaken (which I what I would have liked to do to her on multiple occasions) had been removed. Ryan and I redecorated the house to reflect each of our tastes and personalities. My house had been repaired from the storm damage and was up for sale and Stormy had become an official part of our little family after efforts to locate her possible owner had gone unanswered.
"Don't be too long baby. Breakfast is ready." He said, placing another soft kiss on my lips. I smiled into the kiss. He had even made breakfast.
"I'll be done in a couple of minutes. I have to fix my lipstick that you just smudged." I teased, then grabbed a tissue to wipe the traces of pink from his lips.
I reapplied my lipstick and fluffed my hair one more time before stepping out of the bedroom and into the living area.
The small living area was filled with people. Gifts, balloons and a cake sat atop the bar. I grinned over the cake decorated like a cut watermelon and immediately looked at Ross who shrugged. "Maybe Ryan shouldn't have put me in charge of the cake." He grinned sheepishly.
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I hugged him. "I love it. Don't you dare smash it like you do melons." I teasingly scolded. I then turned to Ryan. "I can't believe you pulled this off. Thank you." I kissed him briefly, aware that the room was full of people. Gosh. I didn't even know where to begin.
As I looked around the room filled with our friends, my vision began to blur with tears when my gaze landed on one person in particular. "Dad." I gasped, then launched myself into his arms.
"Happy birthday baby girl." He hugged me tightly, nearly squeezing the air out of my lungs.
"I'm so glad you are here." I murmured into his shoulder feeling his solid warmth and pleased that he had appeared to have put on a few pounds to help replace some of the weight he lost during mom's illness. He looked good. More like himself.
"Of course I'm here. I haven't missed a birthday of yours yet, after oh...twenty..."
"Uh uh. We'll just leave numbers out of this." I giggled. "Did you drive here? By yourself?"
"I hitched a ride with Ralph and Susan." He chuckled, and I finally noticed Ross's parents hanging back. I'm not sure who was responsible for this...for getting my dad here. Whether it was Ryan, Ross or Ross's parents, but I was eternally grateful.