Another Day Another Problem

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"Aw, hell.." You groan and flop onto your back, lumpy mattress providing yet another great nights sleep. You try to rub the sleep from your eyes as you blearily paw around for your phone, "C'mon, where are you.. damn thing.." you huffed and finally your fingers felt the cold surface of your cell - dragging it over to you to remove the charger and glance at the time. Of course, it's was buttfuck early, why couldn't you ever get a full nights sleep? Was it really too much to ask for? Now you had roughly three hours to kill before you're needed at work.

"Let's see, well, I could always finish the commission that's due soon." You mumbled to yourself, swinging yourself to the edge of your shit mattress and letting out a heavy sigh. Alright, you could do this, just one foot in front of another. "Shit! It's so damn cold, the hell?" a heavy shiver ran up your spine and you quickly swiped yourself a black hoodie from your closet; making your way to the thermostat you let out a frustrated growl. "That pig.. he must have shut off the heat 'cause I got pissed at him yesterday. Great! It's Fall for fuck sakes, almost borderline Winter!"

Your mind drags you back to that day and you feel yourself getting red in the face with anger,

"Hey, Y/N, you left a huge trail of water on the floor. You gonna do something about it?" Your landlord crosses his arms, an eyebrow raise in expectancy. This guy.. was in no shape or form kind by any definition and you knew the majority of the tenants would agree with you. His hair was a greasy brown, short with green eyes, he also was on the heavy side and always reeked of alcohol or cigarettes. If you really focused, you could feel how foul his soul was which was more than enough to explain just what kind of person he was. He's always got something to bitch about, happiness was just not in this asshole's vocabulary. You paused mid-step and contemplated how this should go down. Normally, you would just say what he wanted to hear but today? Oh man, you already had it with your man-whore of a boss trying to get all up in your space and now this? This was just the push you needed to teeter right off the edge and next thing you know you find yourself whipping around to face him with the best scowl you can manage.

"Seriously? Do you not have anything better to do than to take a massive shit on my day?" You practically snarled as you took a threatening step towards him, you were no stranger to violent acts, you had to deal with it everyday of your life since everything went to hell and were thrown into this ghetto you're more than willing to call a complete shitfest with the high crime rates, theft, drug dealing as well as the occasional shoot out - it was safe to say you spent a lot of time learning how to defend yourself in more ways than one.

It was most satisfying to see that usually smug face twist into something that you could only describe as discomfort, "I don't like that tone you're trying to pull there, Y/N, need I remind you that I'm your landlord? You'd do well to show me a little more respect, lil'lady. Now, the mop is in the closet over there, get to cleaning; I don't want to see that water there when I get back."


Oh, hell no.

You didn't hesitate to close the distance even further, breath becoming ragged with the rage burning through your veins. You were cold and wet from the downpour outside, exhausted from another shit day at work and now this? It was almost too much but you knew if he wasn't right about being the landlord - there's no way you would have hesitated as you're doing now and sock him in his pig-like face with your fist.

"Now you listen here, I've had a long day of getting sexually harassed by my dumb shit of a boss, I'm soaked to the bone and fucking freezing. I do not need your bullshit today! Now PISS OFF before I shove your head so far up your ass that maybe, just maybe, you'll see just how much of an asshole you're being! Oh wait, I forgot, you know damn well what you're doing don't you? Sorry, I almost forgot you don't have a fucking heart. You want someone to clean up around here, then hire someone or better yet - do it yourself. Have a good fucking night!"

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