Losing Control

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Holy shit..

Holy shit..

They actually wanted an interview with you! You were sure they would reject you for lack of experience or some other bullshit reason, but here you are - hands trembling - staring down at your phone in disbelief as you read the message over and over again,



Y/N L/N,

My name is Robert Garcia, head of security at Tek Tech. Normally we have other personnel to recruit new members onto our team,

however, I have taken it upon myself to test your capabilities in handling future threats. Usually we prefer to accept

male applicants due to them having more muscle mass for dealing with more aggressive miscreants. However, the reason I am

willing to give you the benefit of the doubt is due to the fact that I have a daughter who also works under me and has proven herself on

many occasions that she is able to subdue any miscreant that cross her path with few incidents. This is what I wish to do in regards

to this 'interview', I will be challenging you in the same manner as I've done with her. Seeing as your next day off is this Tuesday,

I expect you to be here at exactly ten AM and make sure to come prepared for I will not take it easy on you - same as I've done

with my daughter. I look forward to seeing your skills in action, this is a rare opportunity so let's hope you don't disappoint seeing

that you seem confident in your abilities. I will have someone escort you upon your arrival.


Robert Garcia

Teknically Techno

Head of Security


To think you got an e-mail from the 'big boss man' himself, it isn't anything you expected it be. Almost like someone trying to appear professional but their mask slips now and then - they feel kinda old school or similar to a sensei in an anime.

Did you really just compare the head of security to an anime?

Yes, you did. God help you.

You swallowed thickly, dropping your phone next to you on the couch, staring off at nothing in particular as you try to absorb everything in. This was really happening, they were actually willing to give you a fair chance at obtaining this job. Well, technically, they would have originally rejected your application had it not been for that Robert guy. So, lucky? It still didn't mean you had the job but you sure as hell were going to fight for it, you'll show him just how strong you can be!

It had been an hour or so since you returned from the center, to which you spent thirty of those minutes trying to convince yourself to check your e-mail and boy did you expect the worse, but not THIS. You could feel a hint of respect for the man for allowing you a chance at showing your capabilities. You don't know how many times you had been laughed at; being seen as a small and fragile creature. It irked you to no end so this was a nice change of pace from the norm.

You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding and tried to rub some of the stiffness from your neck and shoulders, feeling a sudden longing for a hot shower as you lazily stripped off - tossing your clothes into the hamper and noticing it was near time to do some laundry. You plucked your favorite skeleton PJs from your dresser and a pair of panties before padding off to the bathroom.

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