Change Is Inevitable, Growth Is Optional

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They heard the door's jingle, looking back to you while all sharing a level of worry or concern for you. Josh was the first to speak, turning his back to the front desk to fully face you while the eyelights of the Bitties on his shoulders glance intensely at your chest, where your soul rested - leaving you feeling a bit exposed.

"Chickadee, you okay there? You left in a rush all of a sudden."

You shuffled your feet awkwardly while digging through your mind for some kind of believable excuse. Eventually you settled for the only line you could think of,

"I wasn't feeling good so I had to step out for a minute, sorry for taking off like that. I'm okay now," you explained, hoping they would buy it as you quickly shift the topic away from you, "I see you decided to adopt them! You have no idea how happy that makes me!"

You tried to ignore Amelia's narrowed eyes, seemingly not convinced by your lie which causes you to nervously pick at your nails as your gaze falls to the floor. It felt like she had something to say but Lula comes to your rescue by regaining her attention towards the adoption papers on the desk. You deflate a little in relief at that but it was short lived when you were met with Josh's skepticism,

"If you're sure.. but, if you start feeling unwell again, tell us okay?" You nod, feeling a bit guilty now as he gently pats you on the shoulder before his expression shifts to cheerful, "But yeah! We hit it off right away, it was almost like.. it was meant to be? To think I almost had given up and walked out of here but I'm damn glad I didn't. Figures you'd be my lucky charm, thanks again for coming with me, chickadee."

You felt yourself shy away from the fondness in his tone which only seems to increase when the Lil'Bro spoke up,

"heh, of course it'd be you who brings our ticket outta this place. 'm.. 'm happy, this means we'll get to see ya more, yeah?"

"Y-yeah," you replied, feeling a little overwhelmed by the gratitude practically radiating from the three of them before a thought struck you, "Oh, did you guys get a name yet?"

The Baby Blue's eyes morph into big blue stars, his toothy smile widening to show his excitement,

"Yes! Josh Came Up With The Name Cosmos!" his eyelights convert back to his usual blue orbs, wringing his phalanges together while blushing a bit, "W-What Do You Think About It?"

"It's a wonderful name, it suits you perfectly." You assured, smiling warmly at him which earns you a smile in return - Cosmos appearing pleased by your words. You look towards the Lil'Bro and chuckle when you see him leaning comfortably against the side of Josh's head, "What about you?"

The Lil'Bro scratches his cheek while looking up to avoid your curious stare and you had to hold back a chortle when a dust of orange covers his nasal ridge,

"it's, uh, teddy.."

"Y'know, I heard Lil'Bros like honey," you smirk and raise an eye brow, "the name is rather befitting, dont'cha think? I thought you would have found it beary amusing."

Josh chokes on a laugh which forced both Bitties to hold on in order not to fall, Cosmos letting out a groan of despair while Teddy breathed out a hearty chuckle,

"ok, i gotta admit that pun was pretty unbearable.."

Cosmos hides his face in his hands but you could hear the subtle sound of bones rattling while you accidentally slipped out an unattractive snort - trying to quickly mask it with a giggle,

"I wish Lothario was here right now, I'm starting to think he's rubbing off on me."

"There, you're all set!"

Hope Comes With Patience (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now