Learning A Thing Or Two

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"Oh, would you shut the fuck up?" You hissed as you swiped you finger across your phone's screen, "I seriously need to change that alarm, it's so damn loud.."

You ran your hand over your tired face, feeling like you haven't rested at all. Today was going to suck royally. You sluggishly pulled yourself out of bed and made you way to your closet; only to open it and not see your work clothes inside. It takes your mind a good thirty seconds to comprehend why before the events of last night hits you like a train,

Your landlord was after your ass..

Your boss was also after your ass for a very different reason, causing you to leave behind your coat in order to get away..

You couldn't go home so you froze your tits off most of the night..

You beat the shit out of a guy to save two abused Bitties..

The guy had seen you in your work clothes as well as seen your face..

Those two said Bitties were now laying unconscious on your kitchen table..

And lastly, you had to call the adoption center for help today..

"Uuughh, fuck my liiiiife..."

You mumble irritably under your breath, trying to rub the sleep from your eyes only now taking note of how shitty you felt, the rumbling from your stomach reminding you that you had not eaten breakfast nor dinner yesterday because you were far too exhausted. The alcohol was threatening to come back up and you grimaced from the feeling. To top it all off - you could feel the upcoming of a cold starting to settle in and you really did not need that right now, not when you have two little skellies in need of help.

As you made your way to the bathroom, you took a small detour to the kitchen to check up on them and as expected they were still fast asleep, the only indication of any movement was that the taller one was now laying on their side, their arm draped over their partner in a protective hold. You would have found it endearing if it weren't for the fact that they're merely holding on by a thread and that was enough to get you moving a bit faster.

You peered at your reflection in the bathroom mirror and you inwardly winced at your appearance, you were definitely at the worst you've ever seen yourself. Dark bags under your eyes, your hair and clothes all disheveled.. you really needed a shower but that would have to wait for now. You did your best to comb out your hair, flinching whenever your brush would hit a difficult knot. With that done; you brushed your teeth to get the taste of shit out of your mouth, gurgling water to rinse the remaining toothpaste before spitting it into the sink. You were still technically dressed to go out so you didn't bother to change and simply shuffled your way back to your room to pick up your phone that was still resting on your bed, settling yourself down on the old mattress.

After taking a look at the number - you swallow your nerves and tapped it into your phone, waiting. It was eight thirty so it should be open already and sure enough after a few rings, a soft female voice greets you,

"Mama Cry's Adoption Center, this is Lula speaking, how may I assist you today?"

"U-um, heya, this is Y/N L/N.." smooth, real smooth, "I saved two injured Bittybones from an abusive situation yesterday and are in desperate need of help. D-do you happen to know where I could bring them to seek medical attention? It's kind of an emergency considering they've been unconscious ever since I brought them home and if I'm to be honest, I have no idea what I'm doing." your voice wavered as you rambled on, your hand beginning to shake with anxiety and you mentally cursed yourself for not being able to keep your cool whilst speaking.

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