Home Is Where The Soul Is

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"So you will not be able to attend your usual visit today?"

You sigh and run your hand through your hair a few times, currently still loitering just outside the diner,

"Yeah, please tell the boys that I'm home searching right now. Also, Lula, could we reschedule my appointment with Dr. Herk? I won't be able to make it.." Fuck, you were really looking forward to getting some answers today but finding a place before the deadline comes first,

"Sure, I can do that for you but.. is everything okay, Y/N? You sound afraid." You swallow back your nerves, holding back the urge to spill your problems to the sweet pink rabbit - she already had enough to deal with on a daily basis without you dumping your life's woes onto her,

"I'm fine, at least I will be. Thanks for your concern but I don't have a whole lot of time on my hands right now and I really have to get going,"

"Oh, of course! Let's see.." you could hear typing and clicking on the other end before a small sound comes from her, "seems we have an opening tomorrow afternoon about the same time as before." Oh good, that means you won't have to wait very long at all. You didn't think you could handle the overbearing inquisitiveness that continued to eat away at your soul,

"That's great, have a good day, Lula - see you tomorrow!"

She says her goodbyes and tells you to take care in that familiar motherly tone that never failed to make your heart ache with longing; why couldn't she have been your mother instead of that bitch who would just sit back and watch your father do as he pleased with you? Whatever, now was not the time for self pity as you go to pocket your phone - only to remember that you still needed to contact the owners of the rental home, it would be best that they knew you were on your way over.

You pulled up their number from the webpage and tapped it into your phone, feeling your usual anxieties trying to take a hold of you as your heart beat up picks up in speed the longer the phone rings before finally someone picked up,

"Hello, this is Mrs. Hopewell speaking," You tried to speak but nothing came out, goddamn it, you cleared your throat to get yourself to fucking function,

"H-Hi, this is Y/N L/N, I had e-mailed you about the rent listing you had posted?" You could hear a quick intake in breath before she spoke,

"Oh, you poor dear! You are the one who is struggling to find a home before your current landlord forces you out, correct?" It was hard to tell if she was genuinely worried for you or was just trying to play off as such,

"Heh, yeah, that's me. I'm in a really bad spot right now and I'm desperate to find some place to live before I'm, y'know.. kicked to the curb," you started to toy with the keys in your pocket nervously, "since the e-mail mentioned coming over as soon as possible, I thought I'd drop by." You could hear her calling out to someone, talking presumably to her husband before chirping out,

"Oh yes, my dear, feel free to drop by any time! Will you be able to find it all right?"

"Yeah, I should be fine, see you guys soon."

You hung up soon after the usual goodbyes and made you way over to the bus stop to wait. You hoped that the boys wouldn't be too upset that you weren't going to be there today but it just wasn't possible to make enough time for them since Mama Cry's would be closed by the time you were done checking out the house. It's a bummer and you're going to miss their company but this had to be done if you didn't want to be a burden on Josh.

Sure, he said he was cool with you staying with him until you could find a place yet you couldn't help the guilty feeling that came along with that sweet gesture. After all, he was willing to stick his neck out for you and try to get his father involved in helping you move out - you just weren't used to someone being so nice to you and felt forlorn at the possibility that it was all for show. It wouldn't be the first time someone tried to play the friend card with you only to completely shatter your heart; you had to remain somewhat distant until you were truly sure that his intentions were indeed good ones.

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