I Am 1% Human, 99% Stress.

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The next couple of days were hell.

After that day with Josh, it wasn't long before that good feeling faded away and you no longer had the courage to leave your house. You called in sick for those days and though your boss bought your excuses; there was only so long you could avoid work without increased chances of losing your job.

Your Bitties hadn't stop hovering around you as well, they were worried - they didn't have to voice it when waves of their concern would be felt easily through the bond. It made you feel all the more crappy about the situation but you just couldn't get yourself to step out of the comfort of your room.

Your mind would continuously replay your run ins with Michael and Daniel, feeling stupid that you didn't put two and two together. The more you thought on it the more you could compare their voices to the ones you heard on the bus that one day. You wanted to convince yourself so badly that they weren't talking about you and now it was coming back to bite you in the ass.

Despite the pep talk you had given yourself, your Determination struggled to maintain itself inside you. It was silly, to think you carried two powerful traits and yet here you are; hiding like a fucking coward. Why couldn't you have a stable life for once without the constant sense of dread lingering in every corner of your mind? Always wondering when your parents will figure out your location - which was now topped with the paranoia of how long you had before those two assholes expose you to the LunarDust.

You were confident enough with your combat skills that you could probably take on two people at once, but anymore than that could spell trouble for you. This left you with one option left and that was to train your magic so you could defend yourself.

Your eyes become lidded as they fall upon your phone that currently rested by your feet on the bed. Slowly, you reached out for it and picked it up; the screen still showing Shikoba's number when you stirred it from its rest mode. Your nervous habit kicks in and you began to bite at your lower lip as your fingers hesitate to write a text. Eventually your frustration became strong enough to force your fingers to move, tapping away quickly before your courage could fail you.

You felt your bed shift next to you, Lothario letting out a jaw creaking yawn as he stretched out on top of the comforter. Lothario rolls onto his side, his eyelights expressing his curiosity as he watched you, "lookin' pretty determined ova der, kitten, what'cha doin'?"

You pressed 'send' before letting your phone slip from your fingers, it landing on the bed once more. You turned to face Lothario, giving him a slightly forced smile as you reached over to pet him. Lothario immediately leans into your touch with a happy purr but you could tell he was still worried about you.

"I want to be able to control my magic and the only way to do that is to have someone teach me. I have a feeling those bastards aren't going to give up any time soon and I need to be able to protect myself if shit goes down." You explained, the tremble in your voice betraying just how scared you really are. Lothario was quick to pick up on your distress and shortcuts to your shoulder - sitting sideways so he could properly hug the side of your head.

Your breath slightly hitched when you released a weak chuckle, the sound hollow and empty. It made Lothario's mood dampen further as he lightly nuzzles his skull against your cheek, "sumthin' ain't right wit'em, dey weren't even afraid when me 'n bro threatened dem wit our magic."

That's right, you had nearly forgotten about that. Just what was up with their lack of reaction? It's true that you were powerless to stop them at that very moment and without proof; you couldn't exactly report them to the police. Though, even if you did manage to get your hands on evidence, it would only further piss them off and the last thing you wanted was to provoke the gang more than you already have.

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