Behind Closed Doors

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You're once again regretting early morning shift when you had to practically force your body to leave the comfort of your bed, letting out a small sigh of longing as you stared at the spot where you once laid. Maybe it was about time you asked Robert to swap times with someone else now that your Bitties were finally living with you,

"Blehhh, alright, coffee.." you mumbled and dragged your tired ass down the stairs, prepping the coffee maker before turning it on. While that was brewing; you had to mentally scold yourself for staying up as late as you did but you honestly couldn't muster up the regret since you genuinely enjoyed your time with the boys last night.

The warmth that spread through your chest as you and Nefarious cooked together left you in a really good mood. You also couldn't remember the last time you laughed so hard and it was all thanks to Lothario - even though he was acting like a total deviant.

All in all, you were happy. Really happy and the thought of coming home everyday and seeing them waiting for you gave you the strength you needed for the day as you changed out of your PJs and into warmer Winter clothing. The weather called for a chance of flurries today and you definitely wanted to be dressed appropriate if you were going to be out waiting for the bus.

Once done, you packed your necessities into your bag as well as your freshly washed uniform. You heard the sound of a paper bag rustling around inside and were confused for a second before realization hit when you pulled out Nefarious' prescription. Oh fuck, you completely forgot about them! He should have been started on them yesterday, seriously, how airheaded were you??

You bit at your lip as you made your way back to the kitchen; the scent of freshly made coffee filling the air around you. You didn't really want to wake Nefarious up even though he was a bit of an early bird himself, he usually wasn't up until eight or so he tells you. You sighed and placed the pill bottle onto the counter while chucking the paper bag into the recycling bin. You would have just left a pill next to their breakfast and lunches if it weren't for the fact that Nefarious brought all four plates into the Bitty mansion, so that idea went out the window..

Another thought came to mind as you poured a bit of sugar and cream into your steaming cup of coffee - why didn't Lothario also have a prescription since he had LV as well? You were in such a rush while transferring your stuff to the truck that Lula must've forgotten, same with yourself. Geez, best to text her about it now while you remembered, maybe bring up the whole joint cracking thing as well.. maybe it was mentioned in guide after all but somehow missed it?

Ugh, you were getting distracted again.

After shooting a text to Lula, you tugged a sheet of paper towel from the roll and proceeded to fold it up neatly; you then plucked open the bottle's lid and shook it slightly until a pill fell onto your hand. You headed over to the patio door and placed the paper towel on the floor next to the doggy door then placed the pill on top of it. Hm, should you leave a note? Would he even take it? You wouldn't put it past him to throw it away without you noticing since you won't be at home to catch him in the act.

Fuck, you really hated using the guilt card but unless you wanted to run the risk of him having to return to the center.. well, this left you little choice.

You grabbed the notepad and pen from your bag - quickly scribbling a note onto it before putting it along side the pill. Oh, would he need water to take it? Did skeletons even need to hydrate themselves? You never once seen the boys drink since you've known them. Ugh, so many questions with no way to get answers, not yet anyway though the longer the list gets the more overwhelmed you're starting to feel.

Eventually you decided to leave out the water, if Nefarious really needed water then he could get some himself since you made sure to supply them with glasses and the like.

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