Beta 2: Death Comes Knocking. Or, At Least Someone Who Looks Like Death. (scrap)

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Edit: 2/10/23
The second chapter is also almost done! Working on final touches. :3
Edit: 2/12/23

(Again, this chapter is outdated. Rewritten versions of this and the previous chapter will be posted as soon as I finish them. But then updates may be slow. The rewritten chapters should be out by Jan 16th for the first chapter, and Jan 23rd for the second. I finally have someone to preread my chapters (my sib) so I can feel more confident about posting them and stop nitpicking and second guessing)

The rain wouldn't let up, so he decided to head home for the day. It was a shame, really. He was hoping the rain would let up long enough to go to the park. Even though that was a kid activity, he still enjoyed hanging around and playing with the other kids. Considering his stature, it's not like he looked entirely out of place.

But alas, he started to walk home. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something peculiar. He had seen them before, near a warehouse he was scoping out to see if it was abandoned. It wasn't, if the newly installed cameras had anything to say about it. He didn't recognize them right away. They looked, quite frankly depressing , dirty and just sad. They had nothing except a backpack and a suitcase, but both had seen better days.

He paid no mind as he continued his journey home holding his black and white umbrella. He didn't really mind rainy days, or getting wet, but today he wanted to be dry.

He turned the corner, and was acutely aware of a figure following him. With a huff of annoyance, he quickened his pace. He made a sharp turn in an attempt to lose his follower, and sprinted away. He thought that was that as he approached his house, as usual lockpicking the door open because he didnt trust keys. His neighbors knew him ok enough to know he wasn't robbing his own house. It was just his way of doing things.

He entered the house, greeting his cat, and locking the door behind him. He wasn't always an animal person, but Shu liked to kill bugs, so it was a match made in heaven. And because he liked this cat, he named it after another person he liked. Liked as in past tense. Turned out Saihara wasn't as trustworthy as he thought. At least not enough to see through his lies and understand he was trying to help in his own way.

None of that mattered any more anyways. He wasn't in a killing game anymore. He hasn't seen his real family in years, and he couldn't be happier. Thats a lie, but not a lie he was willing to think about. Because if he thought about it, and someone could read his mind, then he would be fucked huh?

He gave Shu his dinner, and Kokichi started preparing his own. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was better than eating gas station sushi and cup noodles like he did when he first left the hospital.

Life wasn't anything interesting, but, he was still alive. And everyday reminds him of how he is one day closer to his eventual demise. Ah.. what a lovely thought.

It already didn't help that he had to go to therapy. Not like they were beneficial. He was handed over to so many different therapists over the past several months, but he was only just recently able to find one he somewhat liked. He only opened up a little bit. Just enough to get by. Mostly about the game, and the psychological stress. How he felt when his inevitable death approached. How he felt waking up in the hospital several days after the fact.. Yadda yadda.

He was stirring the spicy curry when he heard a knock at the door. Kokichi never had visitors. He didn't like them, not without warning. He turned the stove down to medium low before walking to the door. He slowly unlocked the door.

When he opened it, he saw death. Well.. someone who looked like death.

It took a few moments before Kokichi recognized the man in front of him.

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