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 I finished the entire meeting with a blank face.

 The project team manager sitting next to me was probably frightened by me. He didn't dare to speak to me when he left, and walked away with his book in his arms and his neck shrunk.

 When the meeting ended, I did not go back to my office, but followed the chairman all the way to his office.

 The chairman saw me halfway through and didn't say anything, so he just let me follow.

 I followed him all the way to his office, and I closed the door and stood in front of him.

 He sat on the office chair heavily, and swayed with the chair: "Speak up if you have something to say."

 I was silent for a while, and then said, "I am not convinced."

 This is the first time I have spoken since I was a child. This sentence.

 I have always been convinced, to this world, to the people in this world, to everything that has happened to me. Most of the time I go with the flow, and rarely think about resistance.

 This time I finally mustered up the courage to resist, but I got this result.

 I am not convinced.

 I can't be convinced.

 If I fail, then I admit that I am not good, but I am obviously successful, but I have to be wiped out by the chairman's light "compensation of merits and demerits" -

 I am not convinced.

 "If you are hanging me and plan to drag me in this way, you can tell me directly." I spoke quickly, "Even if you tell me directly that you will never agree with me and Wei Hongxin in your life. Stay together, let me give up, you can say that, you don't need to lure me with a banana like a monkey, and then tell me after I ran over, any banana is a lie to you."

 I The more he spoke, the more excited he spoke, and the faster he spoke: "I fully understand that you don't agree with Wei Hongxin and I, but it's hard for me to understand that you are hanging on me like this. If you have the courage to bet even this No, why do you still open this gamble..."

 "Geng Jiayou!" The chairman clapped the table and stood up, "Do you think you are very good, don't you?"

 "I don't think I am very good." I didn't step back, but confronted the chairman head-on, "I just think I can Get what I deserve."

 "What! Call you! What I deserve!" The chairman slapped the table three times in a row to express his anger, "Do you think everyone else is a fool? You think the one sitting on the board Is there a table full of dry rice! Ah!"

 "Do you think that everyone can't see that little thought behind your back? You think that when you put Henghua back on the table, no one can guess that you set it up on purpose. Do you think you made a perfect plan, do you know how many loopholes there are! Do you think I am joking with you?" The

 chairman threw a folder in front of me: "You have shown me clearly. , do you know how much Henghua's stock has fallen this week? Do you know how many people HR is talking about have lost all of them because of this? Do you know how many board members told me to ask me to get you down immediately!"

 " Yes, that's right, stocks can go up again if they fall, but talents can't be recruited again, but do you think there are no sequelae of throwing rotten eggs on yourself?" The chairman was just angry, and now he continued panting, "Suppose there are 100 people who know about the scandal and boycott us. Your clarification can't cover everyone. Even if you are lucky and let 90 know about it, the remaining 10 people who still hate us, you know. How much influence will they have!"

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