Extra 2: If I'd Met You Earlier (1)

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 Orientation party is always one of the things that new college students look forward to the most every year after admission, and it is also the moment when the student union feels the most sense of existence.

However, because of too many trivial matters, many freshmen who have just entered the student union will also be asked to Miscellaneous in the past.

 Unfortunately, I am one of them.

 I joined the social department, and I am a chores in the chores. Since I was called over after the first class, I have been moving stools, tables, flower baskets, and props... In short, the senior and senior above need you. Do what you do, just do it.

 After a busy day, I finally breathed a sigh of relief when the party was about to start. I went to the school cafeteria to buy dinner, but because it was too late, the cafeteria was closed.

 I was a little hungry, but fortunately our deputy minister was nice and gave me the bucket of instant noodles that he didn't have time to eat.

 In fact, I don't really like instant noodles, because I ate it every day after my parents died, and I was really tired of it. But no matter how bad the taste experience is, it can't compare to the discomfort of a hungry stomach. I couldn't help it, so I went to pick up some hot water and barely took two bites.

 I ate in the corner of the backstage, there were a lot of people inside, I was too embarrassed to occupy the table, so I shrunk to the very edge.

 The party started at 7:00, and at 6:50, a large group of people walked in.

 I raised my eyes and glanced at the instant noodles. There were too many people. I only recognized one of the seniors, Wu Chunxian, who was named Wu Chunxian. He was a famous person in the school. He was his poster when he entered the school. of the kind.

 Next to him is a tall and slender boy with very white skin, but from my angle, I can only see the back, but not the face.

 And there were too many people, he was not too tall, and was quickly drowned in the crowd.

 I only heard someone seem to call him...

 Zhang Qian.

 But didn't hear it.

 Before I could take two sips  of instant noodles, I heard someone say something: "Who is eating instant noodles in the house, it smells too bad." Carefully walked out through the crowd.

 Fortunately, few people know me, and it's not too embarrassing.

 In mid-September, the weather was just right, neither too hot nor too cold. I searched around and couldn't find a place to eat. In the end, I could only sit on the stairs at the side door of the party hall and take two bites.

 Although hungry, it was still hard to eat.

 After I ate half a bowl, I couldn't eat it anymore. I poured the rest of the noodle soup into the toilet, threw the box into the trash can, washed my hands and walked out of the toilet.

 Someone in the group of the Ministry of Social Affairs is sending a message saying that everyone has worked hard. Now the party has started. Everyone, go to the party. If there is anything, it will be notified in the group. Please keep your mobile phone open.

 I glanced at it and put the phone back, shook the water off my hands, and walked back to the venue.

 Although I have little interest in the party, there is nothing to do right now.

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