Donghyuck - Reckless pt.1

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Who do yall want the next member to be? Lmk if u want to read about a particular member :)

It was a world in which angels and demons co-existed.

Angels were pure souls- kind and thoughtful and would do anything to help their kind. Their aura was white and they had a golden halo resting above their heads. A smile was always plastered on their faces and it was obvious that they were angels.

Demons, on the other hand, were opposites.

They were harsh, brutal beings who didn't give two fucks about most people and wouldn't hesitate to snap someone's neck if said person angered them. They had red eyes and sharp pointy fangs and their aura was blood red.

As you'd expect, both parties hated each other- despised each other's guts. Though, the angels held less hatred inside due to their natural personas, whereas the demons held all the hatred and anger inside them.

They never mixed and it was highly frowned upon- a sin if you wish, so both sides stayed away from each other.

But why would they want to anyway? They hated each other, so why mix? Well, that was the case for everyone except two specific beings; Y/n and Donghyuck.

Y/n was an angel who had been around angels her whole life, so naturally, her heart was pure as gold and everything came naturally to her.

Donghyuck on the other hand was a reckless demon- One that held so much hatred and anger inside him that he was unable to stay sane at times.

But somehow, the two teens became best friends. She admired him and he had a soft spot for her and only her.

But how did they end up like this?

An angel that was reckless enough to interact with a dangerous demon and a boy who fell for a too-good and pure angel. It was mad.

Well, it was a typical day in a school in which angels and demons both attended and Y/n wasn't in the best mood. Something very odd for an angel.

But due to a mix-up, she found herself in the possession of the book that belonged to Lee Donghyuck, one of the most dangerous and reckless demons in school and vice versa.

She dreaded having to face him but surprisingly something sparked between them.

Donghyuck would usually scream, curse or even kill someone who bothered him let alone an angel so she half expected him to murder her for having something that belonged to him, but that wasn't the case.

Instead, he didn't show much of a reaction, he mostly stayed silent and thanked the girl for returning his book, before returning her own. This piqued Y/n's interest.

Since that day, Y/n paid more attention to him, as opposed to before, when she completely ignored his existence. She approached him on multiple occasions and soon enough, they were hanging out in secret.

And here they are, secretly best friends who did everything they could with each other.

They thrived off of each other's company, but the problem was that it had to be kept a secret.

It was reckless for an angel and demon to even speak let alone be best friends, especially that demon being Donghyuck and his huge ego.

But that never stopped them from meeting up in secret in various locations and enjoying themselves.

But an issue arose- over time Y/n developed feelings for the demon.

It was absurd, he was known as a brutally dangerous demon who cared about no one but himself.

But to her, he was sweet, funny, and sarcastic and they could spend hours on end together, talking about random stuff or playing games. In addition, he cared about her and she knew it; How could she not fall for him?


"Ha! You lose again." Y/n gloated, staring at the demon boy in front of her who was glaring at the cards in front of him.

It was a regular Tuesday night when the angel and the demon met up in their secret location; an abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere.

"That's not fair, you cheated!" He accused the girl who was victory dancing.

"How did I cheat?"

"You can't play a +4 card after a +2! It's cheating."

"No, it's not"

"Yes, it is"

"No, it's not"

"Yes, it is

"No, it's-'

"Okay whatever, it's not cheating you win!" He gave up, huffing.

She found it cute the way he let her win knowing that if it were someone else, he'd argue till he got his way.

"Yay!!" She cheered, jumping up and down and Donghyuck couldn't hold back the smile that appeared on his face at how cute he found her.

When she eventually sat back down, she noticed Donghyuck staring at her, making pink, rosy hues appear on her cheeks and she felt butterflies in her stomach.

She could tell Donghyuck was thinking the same thing- intuition; all angels have it. And they instinctively started to lean in and when their lips connected, she felt fireworks erupt inside but that was all cut short when the demon abruptly pulled away.

He jumped up from his seat, a panicked look on his face.

"W-we can't- we can't do this!" He ran a hand through his hair.

"Why?" Yn asked sadly, standing up.

"Because you're an angel and I'm a demon! I love you, okay? I do, but It won't work."

"It could if we try, we're already secretly best friends. How's that much different?"

"The difference is that being friends is hard enough to hide, this could be even harder. It would ruin me" she could feel her heart shatter at his words. Was that all he cares about?

"It would ruin you? So that's what this is about? Your reputation" 

"I love you. I really do, but I've already risked too much for you-"

"So you're saying I haven't risked anything for you?"

"No, I didn't mea-"

"Well, that's what it sounds like! If you really loved me, you wouldn't see me as a burden and a threat to your reputation"

"No, Y/n plea-"

"No, I get it. I'll spare you the trouble, you don't have to risk anything for me anymore." Y/n whispered on the verge of tears, before leaving the building, ignoring Donghyuck's guilty and desperate calls.

Her vision was blurry from tears, but she didn't care, she just ran as far away as possible.

She was mentally cussing at herself for being stupid to ever think that they could do something so reckless and be together.


To be continued...

I've been waiting ages to write this-

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