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"I don't believe you." I managed to say between giggles. Me and my best friend, Griffin Stagg had been sitting in his room all day since it had been raining outside. Playing board games, listening to music, watching movies, and chatting about whatever came to mind. He was 11 and I was 13, so he was basically like my little brother. I loved and cared about him, in a sisterly-type way.

"It's true," Griffin said confidently, rolling the monopoly dice.
"Fuck off," I said sarcastically but grinned as I watched the boy in front of me land on community chest. I gave Griffin a look that said, "read the card out loud", which he did.
"Advance to-..." His jaw dropped, looking at the card in his hands before he dramatically put a hand to his heart and faked being dead.

I rolled my eyes, leaning across the game board and plucking the card off the ground where he dropped it. I immediately doubled over in laughter.
"Ad- advance... t-to B-boardwalk!" I choked between laughter. I knew Griffin had been hoping for free parking since he only had a 50 left. But this was even better. I owned Boardwalk with a hotel and I knew I had finally won. He had gone bankrupt.

By now my sides hurt from laughing so much and when I was finally able to contain myself and sit upright Griffin looked like he wanted to flip the board. Which only made me break out into giggles again.
"How the hell?" He asked. "Like how the actual hell?"
"Talent my friend." I smiled, making Griffin roll his eyes.

"Teach me your ways." The boy begged.
"Secret," I said, putting my finger to my lips and giving him a wink. "Do you wanna play another round?" I asked.
"I give up." Griffin sighed, falling back on his carpet floor. "You're too good."
"I'm only good because I know I'm going to win," I smirked confidently as I began to pack up the game board.

Griffin sat up, rolling his eyes as he helped me clean up the game and pack it away. We had a solid 10 seconds of comfortable silence before Griffin's mom called us for dinner. I loved Griffin's mom. She was a single mother and was the sweetest and kindest person I knew. She was the mother figure in my life since mine had died when I was young. Ever since it's just been dad, me, and my wired uncle.

Griffin and I ambled out of his room, our feet carrying us down the hallway and into the kitchen and dining room. I was surprised to see Ms. Stagg had ordered pizza, but when I glanced out the kitchen window I realized the rain had died down a lot since this morning.

"Thanks, Ms. Stagg."
"Thanks, mom."
Me and Griffin said before taking our seats at the dinner table. Griffin's face immediately scrunched in disgust as he opened the box.
"Who puts pineapple on pizza?" He quizzed in disbelief, looking over his shoulder at his mother.

I fought off the urge to laugh, instead taking a price of pineapple-covered pizza and eating it right in front of my best friend.
"You're discussing." The boy scoffed, picking off the fruit and looking like he wanted to gag. I chuckled, watching my friend's delicate process.

My and Griffin had been best friends since forever. It had always just been the two of us. Griffin had maybe 1 friend beside me. And I had a few girl friends from school. We were invisible in a way. But that's how we liked it. We liked just being Amy and Griffin, the invisible duo.

If only I knew then what I know now. Maybe we should have stayed invisible. Or rather me...


It was a normal morning. Well as normal as it could be, considering I just woke up. My alarm clock blared as I reached over and slammed the button on top, making it shut up. I rolled out of bed and the first thing I did was yell at my dog, Samson. I hated the dumb dog with a passion. He was always barking, growling, or trying to bite me.

I never quite knew why my dad decided to get such an aggressive dog. But unlike me, he loved that dog with all his heart. He probably loved Samson more than me. So I never really questioned it. Besides I was rarely home. I was usually having sleepovers with my friend Gwen or chilling at Griffin's.

"Samson!" I shriek, making the dog whine as I hear him slump against the other side of my door. I sighed, checking my clock out the corner of my eye as I walked to my closet. It was 6:30 on the dot. I did like to wake up early for some reason.

I tossed on a pair of baggy jeans and a plain white T-shirt. My dirty white converse that had been drawn all over in marker. And I ran a brush through my curly mass of red hair which fell to my lower back. Tying my normal white bandana around my hair as usual before I scampered off to the bathroom to finish getting ready. Samson trotted behind me like he usually did when he was hungry.

I got into the bathroom, quickly brushing my teeth and washing my face before rushing into the kitchen. Samson still followed closely behind. My dad was sitting at the circular dining table, drinking a cup of coffee. And reading over the previous day's newspaper like he always did.

I swiftly filled Samson's water dish and food bowl before sneaking up to my dad and reading the paper over his shoulder.
"Morning Amy." My dad said, not even bothering to look at me. "Are you staying for breakfast today?"

I knew my father was joking. I never ate breakfast, it just wasn't my thing. I was more of a lunch and dinner type of person. Plus all my dad knew how to cook was scrambled eggs.
"I'm not hungry," I mumbled, stepping away from my father and going to find my backpack.

"You know school doesn't start till 8, right?" My dad pointed out. I rolled my eyes, shouldering my backpack as I glanced at the wall clock. 7:26.
"I'm aware," I told my father as I started for the front door. "I just like to be early."

"Bye Amy, be safe!"
My dad called as I shut the door. I walked down the porch steps, across the lawn, and out the gate just as a paper whacked me in the face.
"Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. Sorry." I heard Billy Showalter say as his bike came screeching to a stop on the pavement. "Amy, I'm so sorry, are you okay?"

"Morning to you too Billy." I chuckled, picking up the fallen paper. "That was a nice headshot."
Billy returned my chuckle, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. A light red color tingling his cheeks. "So your alright then?"
"Yeah. Thanks for the paper," I said, turning and chucking it up to my front porch.

Billy chuckled again as his dog came trotting up to me. Letting me scratch his ears. I've known Billy for quite a while, mainly because he's the paper boy and I run into him every time I leave for school. We talk a little and he's in my English class so I've gotten to know him a little. But we've never really hung out together.

"You on your way to school?" Billy questioned, watching as his dog started to run around my ankles.
"Yeah, you?"
"I have to finish this street, then yes." Billy smiled. I smiled back, saying my goodbyes before going on my route to school.

The walk to school wasn't too bad, especially since I met up with Gwen and her brother Finney halfway.
"Hey, guys," I said, coming up behind the siblings.
"Hi, Amy," Gwen smiled, elbowing her older brother when he only waved.

Finney was pretty shy, which was funny considering Gwen was the outgoing type. I never really hung out with Finn much, he was usually with his friend Robin Arellano and I was usually with Gwen. But we did occasionally make small talk whenever I was over.

"Oh, no," Finney said suddenly, stopping at a notice board on the fence. I turned to look at what he was seeing but I instantly froze. "I hope they find him."
"I don't think they'll find him how they want." Gwen sighed, grabbing Finn's hand and walking away. "You coming, Amy?" She asked me when I wouldn't follow.

Griffin Stagg

My heart dropped as I reread the flyer over and over again. Griffin couldn't be missing. I had just been with him two days ago. It must have been some sick joke. A prank, I thought.

Who would want to kidnap Griffin, or did he run away? I didn't know. Griffin was so sweet, sure he didn't have many friends but I didn't think that would drive him to run away.

I heard Gwen say but I wasn't listening. I couldn't think, I didn't know what to think. I could feel the tears running down my cheeks. I could feel my legs growing weak.

I wanted to fall to the ground and cry. I want to run home and snuggle up in my bed. I wanted to go look for my best friend. I wanted to go back to his house and watch movies, eat pizza, listen to music and play monopoly. I wanted my best friend, Griffin Stagg by my side. I wanted to go back to being invisible...

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