The First And The Last

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Robin's POV:

"Robin..." My uncle said as he poked his head into my room. I quickly whipped away the tears that stung my eyes, I didn't want my uncle to see me cry.
"Yeah?" I asked, but it came out as a raspy whisper.
"Someone's here for you." He said, pushing open the door to reveal Gwen and Finn.

I whipped more tears from my skin, not wanting my friend and his little sister to see me cry.
"Oh, hey guys." I choked, looking over my friends who were dressed in raincoats and rubber boots.
"Wehavetogo!" Gwen said, running forward and grabbing my arm. "Come on."

I followed, thinking it was best just to go along with whatever Finn's sister was planning.
"Get your bike," Gwen said, jumping down the porch steps and into the pouring rain.
"Why?" I asked, but Finn put a hand on my shoulder, indicating it was better not to ask questions.

I ran to the garage and grabbed my bike. Not even caring about what I was wearing before running back out to my friends.
"Let's go!" Gwen shouted before she took off into the rain. Finn followed closely behind her, waiting for a second so I could catch up.

"What's go-"
"She thinks she knows where Amy is." Finn cut me off before I could finish my sentence. I didn't need any more explanation, I took off as fast as could. If Gwen thought she knew where Amy was, then I had to go. I had to find her before it was too late.

The whole way to where ever we were going Gwen kept repeating the numbers, "7, 7, 4, 1."
And I realized after a while it was an address. As we kept going, Gwen suddenly fell off her bike, a scream escaping her lips.

"Gwen!" Me and Finn shouted in sync, stopping our bikes abruptly. Gwen looked like she had seen a ghost. She stood, looking at the house that she fell in front of. It was a small red brick house with a tree in the front yard and a chain link fence surrounding the property.

It looked like a normal suburban home. Nothing out of the ordinary if you didn't know what you were looking at. I looked at the address next to the door, 7741. If Gwen was right, then this was it. Amy could be alive inside. This was it, the moment I had been waiting for. 3 days that felt like 30.

"We have to call the police," Finn said.



What did they want now? Did those ghost kids wanna tell me it was all a sick joke and there was no hope of ever escaping? I pushed myself up, and another sharp pain shot up from my ankle. I didn't care at this point. I just hobbled over to the phone through my pain. I wanted this to all end. I was ready for it.

"What?" I hissed into the receiver. "What the hell do you want?"
"You don't have much time..." Griffin's voice crackled over the phone. My heart broke at that moment. Griffin. My best friend Griffin was telling me I didn't have much time.

"Griffin?" I asked shakily.
"Hey, Ams... You don't have much time." He said.
"I'll see you again soon."
"Fuck that," Griffin said. "You're not gonna die down here. Not like I did..."

"I've tried everything, Griffin," I said sadly, pressing my back again the concrete wall behind me and the phone. "Nothing's worked..."
"... Yet..." Griffin said. "Do you remember what you told me?"
"No." I cried, tears now streaming down my cheeks.

"You said, you're only good because you know you're going to win."
"This isn't monopoly, Grif," I said, remembering my last monopoly game with Griffin.
"No... But it's still a game."

"What the hell does that mean?" I asked, sinking to the ground.
"You're smart. Figure it out." He said. "Play the game by your rules, Amy. Don't let him win. Use what we gave you..."
"I will," I said, realizing what Griffin was saying.

"Griffin?" I said suddenly.
"Will I still be able to talk with you?"
"... This is the last call. It's all you from here. You don't have much time."
"I love you, Griffin."
"... I love you too, Amy. Get out for me. For us..."

"Bye, Grif," I said, standing up.
"Bye, Ams..."
I hung up the phone, letting Griffin go. He was the first and I would be the last. This would end... today.

"Play by my rules, bitch." I whispered to myself as I formed my plan. I was going to make the Grabber pay. And he would regret fucking with me.

I looked at the phone, taking the cord in my hands I started to pull, bite, and stretch it until it snapped. I took the phone and walked over to the pit Bruce had told me to make. I realized it wasn't a tunnel to get to the other side like Bruce thought it would be. It was a trap.

I took some dirt from the pit, packing it into the black phone. If I was going to kill this bastard I would need a weapon. Once that was done I set the phone off to the side. I grabbed the metal bars and threw them at the bottom of the pit. The trap was halfway finished.

I took the screws from the refrigerator panel and hammered them into the wall, making a trip wire with the cable. I finished by covering the pit with a rug. And the trap was set, all I had to do now, was wait...

I sat on the edge of the makeshift bed. Waiting, the phone at my side. My ankle was throbbing and my heart was in my throat. I let my fingers trace over my shoes as I clutched the battleship in my free hand.











Mr. And Mrs. Showalter

Ms. Stagg

And, Robin

I was fighting for them. They were giving me my strength. They were what kept me going. Every one of them, alive or dead. I was fighting for all of them, and I would make it out of here. Griffin was the first and I would be the last.

I was going to kill my bastard uncle for what he did to us. I would make him pay. He was going to play his own game by my rules. And he wouldn't like the outcome.

The lights in the basement flickered on and I stood, tucking my lucky battleship in my back pocket as I clutched onto the black phone for dear life. This was it. And as the metal door swung open I did not expect who I saw.


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