Alone, Afraid, And Helpless

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Robin's POV:

I walked into school the next morning with the biggest smile on my face. Last night was amazing. From Amy showing up at my door to kicking my ass in monopoly. Last night was perfect, I just wished it didn't have to end.

I missed the warmth I felt with her around. And I would give anything to feel her in my arms again. To Feel those stupid butterflies in the pit of my stomach. To make her feel safe. Because if I'm being honest, she made me feel safe. She gave me something to fight for.

1st period went by so fast, and as I sat in my usual seat in math I was just watching the door for when Amy might walk in. I couldn't wait to see her again. Her springy red hair and her dazzling grey eyes. Her bright smile and everything that made her, well, Amy Shaw.

"How was your date?" Finn asked as he sat down next to me.
"It wasn't a date." I scolded, keeping an eye on the door.
"Whatever you say." Finn sighed, making me playfully punch his shoulder.

But somehow Finn's words stuck with me. Was it a date? I mean, it was only a movie and a board game. And snuggling under a blanket. And sitting in the same bed. And giving her a present (kinda). And holding hands. And me writing "I like you" on her shoes. Did she think it was a date?

"Finn, does Amy know Spanish?" I interrogated my friend, turning to him as he pulled out his notebook.
"Uh, I don't think so." He said. "Why?" His face brightened. "What did you say?!"
"It's more what I wrote," I mumbled, scratching the back of my neck.

"What did you write?" Finn asked, leaning over in his chair.
"Me gustas," I muttered. I could feel the blush on my face. Finn laughed but covered it up with a cough.

"So when are you gonna tell her in English?" Finn asked.
"When you tell Donna about your crush on her," I said, looking back up to the door as the bell rang. Amy still wasn't in class yet, she hadn't walked through the door and she wasn't in her usual seat. And I'm pretty sure I would have seen her.

"Do you know where Amy is?" I asked Finn in a hushed voice as the teacher started talking.
"No, not since Friday." He shrugged. I nodded, glancing around the room again. Okay, that was weird. Amy was always early like she was barely ever late.

"Where is she?" I questioned, hoping Finn would tell me something that he hadn't.
"I don't know." He shrugged, but I could see the worried glint in his eye. "Maybe she woke up late and will be in for 4th period," Finn suggested.

I nodded, hoping he was right or that Amy just wasn't feeling good. I hoped it wasn't something I did last night. But something in the pit of my stomach told me something bad had happened. I just hoped that wasn't true...

2nd period ended, 3rd period ended, lunch flew by and Amy was still a no-show. I was freaking out and by the time I stepped into science class I was panicked. Amy was nowhere in sight, not at our desk not hovering around the room, and not talking to the teacher.

My heart jumped to the worst. What if Amy got kidnapped? But that was ridiculous... right?


My eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the dim light in the room.
"Good morning sleepy head." He said, making me scream as I tried to scramble away. The memories of last night came flooding back. I had really been kidnapped. I couldn't believe it.

"You don't have to be scared." The Grabber said calmly. "Nothing bad is going to happen here." The man reached out a hand, brushing a strand of my hair behind my ear. I flinched, a few tears beading on my eyelashes.

"What do you want with me?" I asked, my voice no more than a hoarse whisper. The Grabber didn't respond, instead, he stood, walking toward the door. "What do you want with me?" I asked again, this time louder. "You killed the others. Billy and Griffin. So what do you want with me?"

"That was someone else." The Grabbing hissed, stepping back toward me. I flinched again, moving back further on the old mattress I was on. "You like soda? Hmm?" He asked suddenly, his angry tone quickly shifting. "I'll tell you what... I'm gonna go get you a soda. And then-"

I could hear a distant phone ringing and clearly, he could too.
"Do you hear a phone ringing?" He questioned, not even waiting for a response before he continued. "I'm gonna go see who it is. Then I'll get you a soda and explain everything."

The Grabber stepped through the door. Shamelessly staring at me through his creepy ass mask as he closed the metal door. What I assumed to be the lock clunking on the other side.

I silently cried, pressing my back against the concrete wall behind me. This couldn't be real, I thought. It was all just some bad dream and I'd wake up in my own bed tomorrow or maybe Robin's, I fell asleep there and I would just wake up. Right? I hoped 1 of those scenarios was real but in the pit of my stomach, I knew they were just fantasies.

This man had kidnapped and killed everyone. Griffin, Billy, Vance, and Bruce. And as the realization washed over me I knew I wasn't getting out of here. At least not alive. I mean, Vance was the strongest kid in school, he could kick the shit out of anybody blindfolded. But if he didn't make it out of here, how the hell was I supposed to?

This was it. I was going to die here just like Griffin and Billy. These concrete walls, this tiled floor, that metal door, and that black phone were going to be the last things I saw before I died. Wait... A phone. What kind of asshole leaves a phone just lying around? I thought as I leaped off the dirty mattress, almost laughing to myself at the Grabber's stupidity.

I picked up the phone, dialing my father's number. I expected the phone to ring but it didn't. And that's when I realized the cut cord. Of course, a kidnapper isn't that dumb. I burst into tears. I really was screwed. I was going to die down here. Alone, afraid and helpless.

I crawled back onto the mattress, my sobs echoing around the room as I curled up into a ball. I wanted to go home. I missed my dad, Gwen, Finn, Donna, Suzie, and for some reason the person I missed the most was Robin. I thought back to last night before I got kidnapped. I thought about Robin's gift to me, my lucky battleship.

Not so luck now, I guess. I thought as I searched my back pocket to see if it was still there. To my surprise it was. The small metal boat I had used to basically kick Robin's ass. I couldn't help but smile in between my tears. Robin, I thought as I squeezed my hand shut around the battleship, I'm sorry.

Robin's POV:

School ended and the first thing I did was sprint up to Finn and Gwen.
"WheredoesAmylive?" I breathed out. The sibling's exchanged a certain look I couldn't place.
"We don't actually know," Gwen said. "She doesn't talk about her home life much."
"At all." Finn corrected.

"Well, what's her phone number?" I begged. I had to find Amy, even if it was the last thing that I did.
"You don't actually think-" Finn started but I cut him off.
"Yes, Finn. Yes, I do. I think the Grabber got Amy."

I watched as Gwen's eyes widened in shock. Instant tears dripped down her face.
"No." She said in denial. "Come on, we'll call her at my place." I nodded, following Gwen as she started to run.
"Guys wait," Finn called, racing to catch up with us.

We ran as fast as we could, speeding the Blake's house and ignoring their father as he complained about the noise. Gwen quickly dialed Amy's number handing me the phone, I listened to it ring. And ring. And rind. Until finally it clicked.

"Hello, this is Max." A man answered, I guess that was Amy's dad.
"Have you seen Amy?" I questioned.
"No. She went to the movies with a friend the other night, I assumed she stayed the night."
"Yeah well she didn't and she wasn't at school today." I practically shouted into the phone before hanging up.

No. No, no, no, no, no, no. I couldn't lose Amy like this. Not to a fucking psycho kidnapper. I couldn't live without her. I can't believe I'm saying it, but she's all I have left. I can't lose her. I won't lose her.

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