Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Monopoly

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(Texas Chainsaw Massacre-1974 spoilers)

I had no idea what "me gustas" meant. I had Spanish last year but me and Donna just fooled around the whole time. Now I wished I had paid attention. And I was about to ask Robin what it meant but before I could someone knocked on the door.

"You kids ready to go?" A man I assumed to be Robin's uncle asked.
"Yup," Robin replied, standing up and offering me a hand. I took his hand, his fingers lacing around my wrist as he lifted me off the ground. The fluttering feeling in the pit of my stomach was overwhelming as we stood together, Robin's hand now in mine.

I couldn't help but look into his chocolate eyes. Bottomless pits of rich brown infused with the familiar fighting spark I had grown so familiar with. The feeling of his rough yet somehow soft hand wrapped around mine, like in a secure embrace.

The way my gut started to ache when he was around. The unwelcome fluttering feeling made my whole body feel warm and delicate. Whenever I was with the boy he made me feel weak but somehow safe at the same moment. Like he could protect the fragile object that was me.

Why did I feel like this? Why did emotions have to be so impossible to understand?

"You, ready?" Robin questioned, clearing his throat. I nodded, shyly looking away and trying to hide the blush that burned my cheeks. I followed Robin out of his room, back through the house, and outside to where his uncle's pickup truck was waiting.

Robin opened the door for me, gesturing for me to get inside. It was a tight fit, and I ended up being smashed between Robin and his uncle. The ride however wasn't too bad, mainly me and Robin talking about other slasher movies we liked and music. We narrowed it down to our top 3 favorite movies: Carrie, The Exorcist, and soon Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

When we pulled into the drive-in Robin's uncle paid for our tickets and managed to find a good spot in the front row. Robin and I went to get popcorn and drinks before choosing to sit in the truck bed. We sat side by side, a blanket thrown over our legs as the movie started.

The 2 of us commented on how utterly stupid the character's actions were throughout the whole movie. We exchanged small talk. And as the night moved on we mindlessly inched closer to one another. To the point where Robin's arm was wrapped around my shoulders.

I hadn't even noticed the boy's arm placement until the part where Sally first started running away from Leatherface came on. Robin practically squeezed me to death and I couldn't help the smile forming on my face.

Was this boy scared? I mean the acting was kinda funny, to be honest. But I didn't think the toughest kid in school would be afraid of a little slasher film.

"Robin Arellano are you scared?" I asked a smile on my face and the hum of the chainsaw echoing in the background.
"What? No!" Robin said, easing his death grip on me, an embarrassed red prickling at his cheeks.

"I'm not." He defended, tilting his head away from me. I chuckled a bit, focusing my attention back on the film as my head mindlessly rested on Robin's shoulder. I felt his grip tighten again, but there was a certain softness to it I couldn't place.

The rest of the movie passed like that. Just me and Robin sitting in silence. Snuggled up under the blanket, our bodies pressed together in a comforting way. Both of us absentmindedly munching on popcorn and drinking the coke he had gotten. It was actually really nice, just me and Robin.

The movie ended as Sally escaped and Leatherface maniacally flailed his chainsaw in anger and defeat. Robin sighed, resting his head on top of mine as we finished up the last bit of popcorn we had left. We sat in comfortable silence as some cars started to leave, others staying for the end credits.

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