We're All Someone's Monster:part 2✨

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~PREVIOUSLY on Shadow and bone~

"Darkling" one of them said in Fjerdan before getting slice by Generals shadow blade.

Obviously it leave Alina looking traumatize, not only she see her friend killing the Drüskelle so easily but now she has to see one getting slice in half, guts and everything. so you drop you barrier and slide down from exhaustion, you see Kirigan walk towards you.

"Are you hurt?" he towering you from the sun.

"No, we're fine. Alina's little shock but other than that, we're okay" you pants looking up to him, he nod a little, he look almost relief.

"The others will have fled now they know I’m here. You ride with me." he hold his hand down for you to take. "one of the Grisha will ride with Alina" he look at his remaining Grisha. you shake your head and taking his hand to stand up dusting the dirt on your pants.

"No, you take Alina, i can ride my own, i know how to horse ride." you didn't really give him time to answer and walk away, but he get a hold of your hand,

"you ride with me." he said coarsely, you shake his hand lose, you hold your glowing hand in front of him.

"i can Protect myself General, it's Alina you should be worry about." with that you go and get one of the stallion that run away from the carrier, it has Gray coating and black hair, pretty, you smile at the creature, as if you not just killed a man few minutes ago.

Usually it takes around 2 or 3 days to get from Kirbirsk to Os Alta but in this speed seems like it only take a day and a half to get there, the three of you have been riding for sometimes now, you can hear Alina groan in pain.

"Can we stop? Please." she ask the Darkling.

"Why?" he said not slowing his horse, so you ride fast in front of him to stop him.

"My tailbone is killing me." she groan, then three you stop at a dead tree on open field, after you tied your horse you go to Alina and rub her back try to relief her from any more pain. then the General take a step towards you, evidently make you take a step back in reflex. he take out a handkerchief.

"For your face." he point it at you, you take the handkerchief and begin to wipe the blood of Drüskelle from your face. you feel the silk fabric in between your hand.

"What happened back there?" Alina ask still out of breath.

"Drüskelle." he simply said walking to check his horse, "Elite members of the Fjerdan military trained to infiltrate deep behind our lines and kill or kidnap Grisha."

"I meant how you sliced one of them in half from a dozen paces." she stand more straight this time,

"Would you rather I’d used a sword? and how your little friend shoot it like a bullet?" he sarcasticly said while petting his horse.

'is he... teasing?' you thought

"I don’t know." Alina said unsure "Sorry." she said in small voice.

"It’s fine. There is matter to everything." he walk closer to you and Alina, "Even air. Or shadow. Too small to see." he turn his gaze to you.
"The Cut is something a Summoner can do, but it requires tremendous skill. And I would only use it as a last resort." he turn his gaze back to the sky.

"Like that ambush. Saints…" you sigh.
"Is this our life now? Hunted wherever we go." You fling your arm annoyed, he smile at you.

"You get used to it." He said still with that stupid smile, making you snap at his direction.

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