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(This story WILL contain graphic violence and strong language. Read at your own risk. WARNING: The following chapter will contain abuse. You've been XD I've never been this serious before. This is new.....okay, now I'm just rambling. Here's the very first chapter.)

The killer, aged 9

The young girl was running around with her best friend. They were laughing and enjoying each other's company like any friends would. "Hey, Casey!" The blonde girl shouted and the brown haired boy faced her. "Yea?"

"Look!" The boy looked where she was pointing at. There was a stray dog in the middle of the street. It was a German Shepherd and it was just a puppy. Casey reacted on impulse and ran after the dog. He bent down, "Hey, little guy. I'm gonna take care of you now, okay?" The puppy whimpers but licked Casey's hand. He laughed which was cut off with a loud truck horn. Before he knew it, the truck slammed into him and his little body flew like a rag and slammed into the streetlight, killing him instantly.

"Casey!" The puppy looked up and ran over to the little girl and wiped the tears off her face. She just witnessed the death of her own best friend. He was like a brother to her. The truck driver let out an endless string of curses and apologies as both of the children's parents ran out. Sirens wailed in the distance. As the paramedics put Casey's dead body on the stretcher and covered it up, the girl felt lost. They've been friends since they were 3 years old and there goes 6 years of friendship. Just like that, it was gone. The girl was never the same. Her mother came over with tear stained cheeks and comforted her as she just stood there, frozen. No tears came to her. But once she reached her bedroom and set her gaze on a photo frame and it was the two of them in soccer uniforms, smiling brightly at the camera. And it hit her. She broke down, tears flowing like there was no end. Her mother was by her side as her father stared at her with cold eyes. He loved Casey as a son since they always watched him as his parents constantly worked.

'If only she hadn't pointed out the nearly dead dog, he would still be alive.' To mask his anger, he went on to comfort his child even though his hatred for her only grew within each second.

Killer- aged 12

3 years. It's been 3 years since the death of her best friend and the blonde was a completely different person. She became introverted and always has the need to be alone. This pissed her father to no end. He thought it was stupid for his own kid to still be hung up by the loss of her friend. He and her mother always argued about the child's emotional behavior. Her mother filed for divorce and he put the blame of the divorce onto the introverted girl. But then, something terrible happened.

"Mom! I need help doing this!" The girl pouted childishly as she failed to build a rocket. Her mother laughed as she watered the plants. "I'll be right there!" She took her gardening gloves off and began to cross the street. As if Death was playing a game with them, a speeding car turned around a corner and sped up the road. Before either women could react, the car hit her mother and she died on impact.

In that moment, the girl felt like she has a connection with death. First her best friend then her own mother. The day went by like a blur and she was in her room, overwhelmed with guilt as she sobbed quietly. Her father's footsteps echoed through out the room and glared down at her. She looked up with bloodshot eyes.

"This is all your fault.You killed them both. First it was Casey and now your mother. Do you have some kind of connection with Death?" Yes. "What kind of sick game are you playing? You're cursed." He spat at her and she did her best not to cry as she looked at her father. She tried to tell him to stop but the stinging of her cheek stopped her. He just hit her and it shocked her to no end. She looked at her father, her hand covering the now red cheek. "Don't talk unless I ask you to." She nodded, not wanting to set him off even more than she already had. He sighed angrily and stomped off, leaving the shocked girl alone with her own thoughts. She rubbed her cheek and began to blame herself because to her, her father's words were true. Everything that has happened was all her fault. She had no more tears to shed as her emotions began to die, one by one.

At 15, 3 years after the first beating

The girl was alone in her room, reading to herself. It was a peaceful Friday afternoon to anyone but to her, it was a day where her father would come home, drunken and ready to take his anger out on her. She was getting sick of it, she's had his shit for three years. She still believes that she has a bad connection with Death even though no one she loves has died. As a matter of fact, she has no emotions except for anger and guilt. The front door swung open and she prepared herself for what's about to come and it won't be pretty. That, she knew as she walked to the kitchen with a stone cold face on. Her father's blue eyes were filled with hatred, as usual. She hated that they shared the same physical features. They both had blonde hair, blue eyes and a heart shaped face. He was 6'2 and she was 5'11, tall for a girl.

The first swing landed on her cheekbone and she felt a snap as she fell onto the floor, grunting. He was now kicking her sides and kicked until a crack was heard and he was satisfied with the damage as he moved to her face, kicking her nose hard and a sickening snap was heard as blood poured out like a river. She felt something inside her snap and her blood boiled with anger. She was so done with his bullshit. She stood up and looked at her father, "I'm done. I've dealt with this bullshit for the past three years and I'm done with you. How could you call yourself a father if you're always brutally beating me up for two deaths that had to do nothing with me. It's life that you should be mad at. This was a sick card that we were dealt with." His eye twitched as his daughter who had the balls to stand up to him like that. Oh, no. He wasn't going to stand for that.

His anger fueled up from the bullshit speech as he roughly pushed her, causing her to fall and her head made contact with the tiled floor and she was knocked out cold from the impact. He looked at her bleeding body, panting. He wasn't that much of a sick person to take advantage of her sexually. He called the cops, impersonating as a neighbor and told them that he came up across an unconscious teen girl. After he hung up, he dragged her limp body onto the sidewalk and quickly cleaned up the blood and was surprised at his speed and stamina to cover up his damage within very little time. When he heard the sirens, he quickly vanished, never to be seen again.....for now.

At the hospital

The doctor that cared for the girl called her home and no one picked up the phone. He naturally assumed her father was at work or on a business trip. The girl was under heavy painkillers as her eyes were closed, her heartbeat was steady as he studied her appearance. Her face was all cut up and a bandage cover her nose which has shattered and was almost beyond repair. Two of her ribs were broken while several were fractured. Her cheekbone was broken as well but not severely. Basically, half of her face was covered by bandages. The doctor pondered for a moment. He then realized that a simple fall or any kind of accident like a bicycle accident. No, she was beaten up. He also heard from neighbors that her father was home around the time the police were called and that none of the neighbors made the phone call. Even though he was a doctor, he was curious about the crime scene.

"Hey doc. How is she?"

"Stable for now. Officer, does it seem weird that none of the neighbors made that 911 phone call? Even better, the father's car was still in the driveway at the time of the crime?"

The officer thought about it. "As a matter of fact, I did not notice that. I'll report that to Dylan who is in charge of this investigation." The doctor nodded and the cop said something into his radio as the doctor looked at the girl. He was going to help find whoever is responsible for this. He walked off, rubbing his temples.

Unknown to anyone, the teen was conscious and overheard the entire conversation, thinking that they shouldn't handle this. She wanted to face her father alone and end his own life.....

(Longest chap I've written XD this was basically the killer's childhood and next chap will be a few years after this one. Btw, there be a F/F love story as said in the summary XD I'll need help coming up with names of the possible lover. If you have ideas, put them in the comments or PM me. The killer's name will be revealed later on. Til next time~)

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