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I pushed the figure back, breaking the kiss. "What the fu-" When I looked down, I was surprised to see that it was Zoey who initiated the kiss. Now I was confused.

"B-but......did you just?......what?!"

She puts a finger against my lips, effectively cutting me off. "Get inside and I'll answer any questions you have." Oh, I have a lot of fucking questions. I stepped aside and she walks in, looking around.

I shut the door, crossing my arms as I looked at her, impatiently tapping my foot. "What the actual fuck was that?"

She sighs, looking down, "I.....honestly don't know...."

"You know you have a boyfriend? Andy?"

"I know! That's why I regret coming over and kissing you."

Ouch. Not gonna lie but that.....hurt. Okay, what? I can't have feelings. Killers don't have feelings. "If you know you were gonna regret it, then why fucking do it?!"

"Would you keep your voice down!" She pinched the bridge of her nose, inhaling deeply before continuing. "It instinct. I tried to stop myself, I really did but.....the urge was too strong."

".......what urge?"

"To kiss you. I don't know why I even had it in the first place, Morgan...."

I sighed, "Just......get out."


"I said get out!" She quickly left the room as I slammed the door shut. I could care less if I woke anyone up. I was honestly....pissed. And.....I don't know why I am. I plopped onto the bed, gripping on my hair, pulling at it.

I need to release my anger. I need to stop....feeling. I can't feel anything. I'm a cold, heartless killer who doesn't have feelings. Until this girl came along. I mean, why? What's so different about her?

With a lot on my mind, I somehow managed to fall asleep.

The next day

I sat in the kitchen, eating a bowl of cereal as I read a book. Dylan came up behind me, ruffling my hair. "Morning, kid."

"Morning, Dylan," I set my book down, leaning forward in my seat. "How's the case going?"

"Still no leads. We actually have a vivid description of the killer. It looks like our guy might be a male." Yes! "But that doesn't mean we can't rule out the possibility that it could be a female." Shit.

I shrugged, "Are the killings pretty gory?"

"Yep, we're talking about severed organs. Guts ripped out from the insides." As he kept describing the murders, I felt proud of my work.

I'm a sick person. Not denying that because I've accepted it a long time ago. "It can be a female, Dylan. I mean, we can't handle gore....well.....the majority of us."

He chuckles, "You got that right. But still not ruling that possibility out just yet."

" come I never met your wife?"

"She's on a business trip. Left yesterday morning."

"Ah....well, hope you have a productive day at work. I'll be hanging around town, maybe do some shopping here and there. Go out for a run."

"You do what you want." He said with a chuckle. "Not bossing you around. Just one thing.....keep an eye out for anything suspicious."

"Yes, sir." I rolled my eyes, washing off my bowl. He huffs playfully, walking off. "See you later!" I heard the door shut and immediately went into my room.

Time to renovate. I wrote down the supplies I needed to get before grabbing my hoodie, walking out. I whistled to myself, the calm breeze whipping my hair slightly as I walked down the sidewalk.

It was a quiet day. Too quiet. I assumed that people were afraid to go out. I looked for a hardware store, frowning when I couldn't find one.

I walked by the high school and saw students sitting outside, enjoying their lunches as they chatted idly. I saw Andy with Zoey. He was smiling brightly, clearly enjoying her company.

I noticed that she didn't have the same bright smile that Andy had. She seems.....a bit bored. Already? They've gone out only a few times.

I quickly concluded that she was probably one of those girls who have quick flings and just end them. Bet she ain't a virgin.

Wait......what the fuck did I just thought of? Did I really just....

I was extremely confused as I kept walking. I sat on the bench, looking around. I felt someone sit next to me and I looked up, " can I help you?"

"Saw you walk by. Wanted to see how you're doing."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm fine. If you hadn't noticed, I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself. Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend?"

Zoey shrugs, "Told him I was going to catch up with a friend."

"I'm your friend?" What did I do to make that happen?

"Of course. Why wouldn't you be?"

"Uh....because we only spoke twice and if I recall, you kissed me out of the blue."

"Can you not bring it up? I honestly regret it. I can' that to Andy."

"I have questions and answer them honestly because if you lie, I swear to God, I'll-"

"Just ask away before I need to start heading back."

"Why couldn't you just hold back?"

"It was too hard....."

I have an interesting question. "......are you lusting after me?"

Her face turned red, "W-what are you talking about? Of course I'm not lusting after y-you. What g-gave you t-that idea?"

"The blush on your face. Kinda obvious, don't you think?"

"Maybe I'm blushing because you asked such an absurd question!"

"Well, what other reasons would you have?"

"How about this? I just want to be friends."

I rolled my eyes, leaning against the bench, "I honestly don't believe you." She growls, standing up, "God, you are so stubborn!" She stomps off in the opposite direction and I bursts out laughing.

That was way too much fun. I calmed down, catching my breath as I set my hand over my heart, trying to settle it down. Oh boy.....but seriously. Why does she want to be friends?

Maybe that question will go unanswered for a while. Maybe it won't ever be answered. But I'm oddly......curious to why someone would want to be my friend.

So many questions.....yet no answers. Looks like I've got some hunting to do....for answers of course.

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