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(>->......sorry for a REALLY long wait....or am I sorry? Hm....XD anyways, a close friend of mine pushed me to update and here I am with a new chapter. Enjoy~)


After I finished showering, I plopped down on my bed. I was bored already and the sun was still out. I can't go out for another kill because that'll raise even more suspicion so I decided to put a hold on it till tomorrow.

I stood up, stretching as I walked into the kitchen, searching for something to eat. There's so much food.....yet I can't decide what to eat. Why are life choices so damn hard. I pouted, closing the cabinet as I plopped onto the couch, humming to myself.

"Hungry?" I turned my head to the source of the voice to see Andy peering over the couch.


"I'm ordering a pizza. Want some?" I nodded and he dialed the number, quickly ordering a few boxes of pizza before sitting next to me with a silly grin. I raised an eyebrow, "Uh.....what's up?"

"Erm....nothing. Just had a really good day."

"No shit, Sherlock. You have a goofy smile on your face and to be honest, it's creeping me the fuck out."

He laughs, shaking his head. "Nah, I just finally grew a pair and asked my crush out." He blushes slightly, rubbing his neck.

"Awww, Andy is in love."

"Ugh, I've only known you for a few hours and you're worse than my sister."

"Ouch, that hurt." I said dramatically, mocking hurt as I put my hand over my heart. He rolled his eyes, turning the television on. "Hope ya like cartoons."

"Bro, who doesn't? I miss the original cartoons."

He gave me a look, "So do I. I even have a collection of old cartoons."

I gave him a childish grin, "What do ya have? Oooo! Tom and Jerry?"

"Fuck yea, I do." With lightning speed, he searches for the disc before popping it in, taking his seat as he starts the first episode.

We were so engrossed into the show that we didn't notice that the doorbell rang before Dylan grabbed both of our ears, tugging on it.

"Ow! The fuck?!"

"DAD!" We exclaimed simultaneously and we made eye contact, high fiving each other.

"Come on, pizza's getting cold." We got up, walking to the table before we took our seats.

"I ordered plain cheese and pepperoni. What do you want?"

I grabbed a slice of plain cheese pizza, taking a huge bite out of it. Andy shrugs, grabbing a slice before shoving it down his throat.

"Wow, you're so fancy." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Fuck off. I'm a boy and this is how we eat. Deal with it, honey." He winks playfully at me and I slapped the back of his head, grabbing another slice before shoving it down my throat.

"I'm a girl and I eat like a boy. Deal with it." I mocked him, smirking. He scowls playfully. "Oh, it's on, bitch."

After a match on who can eat the most slices of pizza, we decided to call it a tie since we both felt like puking.

"That was fun. Heather hates doing this kind of shit with me so this is a first." He sighs, resuming the episode as I fell silent, clutching the pillow against my chest as I focused on the television, childhood memories flooding my mind.

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