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(Well.....sorry for another wait XD i've been busy with finals and they're finally over, yay. Anyways, I'll be working on this story and The Plague. I also would like to thank for the 300+ views on Oblivion even though I haven't updated it XD)


My phone rings and I pick it up, "Hello?"

"Agent've got to come here, it's pretty bad."

"I'll be there in five." I hung up and rushed out of the station with Kyle on my trail. We rushed to the home and I stepped out, "Jesus fucking Christ...."

"It's bad.....he was butchered....or mutilated for a better term. Stomach was ripped out and he was decapitated."

I ran my fingers through my hair, "Any evidence?"

"None so far. This guy is very clever with his killings. Also...." He points to a young girl who was shaking, huddling into the blanket that was around her. "His daughter found his body and called 911."

"Poor kid......seeing her father's body like that won't ever leave her mind...."


Huh, interesting. I walked to the girl, ignoring Dylan calling my name. I kneeled in front of her. "You okay?"

She nods, her teeth chattering. "Did you see the murderer?"

She visibly paled and shook her head. I narrowed my eyes. Why did she pale? Maybe she knows. "Are you sure?"

She nods again, "Look kid, you have to talk to me here." I persisted, hoping she saw something that'll give us a clue to who the killer is.

"I did see what he looked like..." Victory!

"Okay." I grabbed my notepad, "Do tell."

"Uhm...he was 5'10, I think because he was my daddy's height." She gulps and I nodded, encouraging her to go on.

"It was weird because.....he had messy long hair red eye that was glowing." Wait, what?

"Are you sure that's what you saw?" She nods and I put the notepad away. I patted her head before striding back over to Dylan. Before he could start yelling, I held my hand up, telling him to remain silent. He snaps his jaws shut, scowling. "She gave me details of what the killer looked like and it was nothing that matched Dayton's physical appearance."

"So, we can release him?" I nod, confirming it. He makes the call to release Dayton while my gaze was set in the woods. Could he be in there? Stalking and waiting to strike?


I jogged back home, running into a sprinkler to make it look like I was sweating from my 'jog'. I walked through the front door, grabbing a Gatorade. I chugged it down, wiping my mouth afterwards. Andy walked in and his eyebrows arched, "Damn, you must've jogged for miles."

I shrugged, "I jogged around town. No biggie."

He just nods and walks off. The front door was swung open and slammed shut and Dylan walked in, rubbing his forehead furiously. "Hey, Dyl.....Everything okay?"

"No, we've got a serial killer in our hands and I'm just so fucking confused. Who is this guy and how is he not leaving ANY trails behind him."

"Uh....maybe it's because he's just that clever...." I chuckle nervously.

He nods, "Right, this will be hard but eventually he will fuck up and we'll be there to catch him."

I nodded, walking down the hallway. "Morgan?" I looked over my shoulder, "Hm?"

"Whenever you're out there......just be careful, okay?"

"I'll be on extra alert mode next time."

He ruffles my hair before scrunching his nose, "Damn you stink. Go take a shower before you stink up the house. Smells like a sweaty dog." I rolled my eyes, grabbing a change of clothes and walked into the bathroom.


I was rereading the description of the killer and I was really lost. If he had long hair..."Why are we so sure it's a guy?" I thought out loud and a detective poked his head in, "Sir?"

"I was talking to myself. Sorry if that bothered you." I snapped and he squeaks, hurrying off. I have that kind of effect on people when I snap at them. It's fun to be honest. I pinched the bridge of my nose, inhaling deeply. Who is this fucker and where the fuck is he hiding? Ugh, this is so fucking confusing!

A light bulb went off in my head. Could it be that kid? She doesn't seem too innocent about this whole thing. To me, she's a possible suspect. I really don't care what Dylan says, she's no longer an innocent citizen to me......

A Detective's POV

I was looking over the files, my eyes reading each word intently. There's got to be a clue and it's just hiding within the murders. We need to really look into the killings and the crime scenes. There's no way the man can not leave any evidence behind. It's just.....unsettling. Something just doesn't add up to this.

I ran through the file of citizens to look at their past and medical history.Maybe he has a mental disorder so I ran through the list of current patients that are currently admitted into the local mental hospital. Wait, that won't make sense. No one has ever escaped the facility. I scratched that possibility out.

Maybe he used to be a patient. I looked through the history of patients that have been discharged and are currently living in this town. None of them had a criminal past nor the tendency to be homicidal. All of them were mainly depressed people, bipolar or schizophrenics. None of them were psychopaths or sociopaths.This has been a very confusing case so far. He's bound to fuck up some day but I still believe he left some clues behind and they're not in plain sight......

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