Close Call

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After grabbing my weapon of choice, I wandered aimlessly around town, humming to myself. I looked around for any possible victims I want. There.

I spotted a business man chatting to his co-worker and they laugh over something he said. It would be a shame if I ruined his suit......or his life. I watched the man curiously, tapping my chin with my index finger. He got up and I assumed he was bidding the woman farewell because they shook hands and he walked off in the opposite direction.

I waited for a few minutes and went onto his trail. Hmm......what should I do this time? So many choices but it's so difficult! Butcher him or mutilate him? Huh.......the latter seems more appealing so I'll go with that.

The man stepped into his home, talking into his phone and I stopped, observing the home for the quietest way in. I decided to sneak around the back. I tip-toed along the side of the home, ducking my head under the window. I went to the back patio and looked through the glass door.

The man was seated comfortably in his couch, a beer can in his hand. I ever so gently picked the lock of his back door and surprisingly, I didn't make a sound and I opened the door quietly. I shut it without making a sound as I approached the man and pulled out my machete.

He was so damn oblivious to his surroundings and I was annoyed. I wanted him to know I am here, I want him to fight back. Maybe it'll make this more interesting.

I tapped his shoulder and he jumps up, clutching onto his chest. "Jesus.....who are you and how did you get into my house?"

I just shrugged, "I picked the lock of the patio door and you were to engrossed in your movie that you didn't even have the slightest clue that someone was breaking in." I clicked my tongue, "Tsk, tsk. Big mistake on your part."

He hasn't noticed that I was holding a machete as he walked around the couch, "Look kid......tell me what you want and I won't call the cops. Just....don't hurt me."

"Aha! No mercy this time, good sir. Get on your fucking knees."

He lunged at me, managing to tackle me on the floor. There we go. A challenge. I slipped, falling onto my knee. "Hmp, a fighter."

"I've got a gun! Don't make me shoot you. You're just a kid...."

I smirked as I revealed my machete and his eyes widened in fear, his hand was shaking. "Please, don't.....I've got a little girl...."

"Oh, shut up! Don't even try to guilt trip me because it won't fucking work. I've got no remorse, buddy."

He was truly scared when he dropped his gun, weak at the knees. I walked over, kicking him in the kneecaps. There was a sickening snap and he falls onto his back, his hands shielding his face I scoffed, prying his hands from his face as I held the machete to his neck.


I smirked, digging the blade into his neck and trailed it down to his chest, all the way down to his abdomen. A trail of blood followed and he began to choke on his own blood, his eyes rolling to the back of his head.

I sighed, jabbing the blade into his stomach and I jerked it to the right, tearing his abdomen open. Blood sprayed onto my face and I closed my eyes, muttering to myself. He was barely breathing, wheezing. He's a fighter, I'll give him that.

I decided to cut out an organ but which one? So many choices so I went for the biggest one I could find, his stomach. I cut into it, de-attaching it from his body and I pulled it out. The flesh was warm and slimy, I gagged slightly, tossing it to the side.

I heard footsteps coming to the door and in spite of panic, I decapitated him, his head rolling to the side. I quickly erased any evidence when a small shriek came out. I turned and saw a 6 year old girl in the doorway, her eyes were wide and her bottom lip quivered in fear. Ah, shit!

I walked to her, squatting on my knees until I was her height and I stared into her eyes. "You never saw me, correct?" Her head bobbed up and down frantically. "I didn't kill your dad, correct?" She nods, tears welling up in her eyes and I felt bad.

Wrong, almost. I almost felt bad.

I felt my heart break for the sobbing girl in front of me. What can I say? I've got a soft spot for kids and I reached my hand out. "Hey,'ll be alright......he's in a better place."

"Why did you kill my daddy?"

Shit, think! "Because he was a bad man." Sure sure, he fucking killed a dog.

"What did he do?"

"I saw him beat a little boy up and ran over his dog." Legit.

"Oh....okay." Sirens were nearby by and I cursed. How the fuck am I supposed to escape now?!

"G-go....I'll distract them. I won't tell them anything, I promise."

For some odd reason, I believed her. She sounded truly genuine when she said this. I nodded and sprinted out of the house and back into the lonely woods......

(DX so sorry for the wait but here's the 6th chapter! Maybe in the next chap, the killer's name will be revealed :o.....Till next time~)

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