A Disturbing Evidence

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(So sorry for the wait! Here's the 5th chapter :P)


I went to the morgue to see the medical examiner, Dr. Ryan. I was interested in what this 'disturbing evidence' that he has discovered. I showed my badge and the guard let me in right away. I walked over to the doctor, "So, what is this evidence you speak of?"

"I'm not gonna lie to you, Dylan but......I was kinda......well....disturbed."

"Tell me, damn it!"

He brings me to a table and points to a small bowl filled with white liquid. Oh, Jesus....

"Is it what I think it is?"

"If you're thinking it's semen then you are correct." I groaned. But that's better than not having any evidence.

"You think she was raped?"

I shook my head, "There was no sign of rape but if we trace this DNA back to the person, we can ask them a few questions." The doctor nodded as he ran through the samples, finding the possible suspect. I put gloves on and patted the body down, making sure I didn't miss anything.

"Got him. Name is Dayton and he's a construction worker. He's currently working on the mall, just a few miles down the road." I looked at the man. He was in his early 30's, a white male. He's 6'2, 195 pounds with chestnut hair and dark brown eyes. He's definitely muscular....well, obviously because he's a construction worker. "Where does he live?"

Dr. Ryan gave me the man's address and I left, thanking him on the way out as I made my way to the man's house. I knocked on the door and it flew open. Dayton looked exactly in his picture with his arms crossed, "How can I help you?"

"Dylan Brooks, FBI. Can I come in? I have a few questions to ask you." He looks at me uneasily, reluctantly stepping to the side. I walked in, looking around. "What do you need, officer?" I looked at him before replying, "Do you know who Melissa Turner is?"

He scratched his head, "Yea, we had a chat yesterday afternoon before she left for work. Why?"

I sighed, "Just after a few minutes she left, she was found brutally murdered." He looked stunned, trying to find the words but all that came out was, "H-how?"

I explained how we found the gut-wrenching corpse and he looked like he was about to puke. I put my hands on my hips, "With that said......we found some semen in her corpse." The sudden change in his posture tells me that I knew more than the 'chat' they had. "O-oh.....yea, we might have had more than just a chat."

"No shit, Sherlock. Please come to the station so I can ask you a few questions."

"I didn't do it! I swear!"

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way, Dayton......"


"Kyle, I think we found a possible suspect."

He stood besides me, studying Dayton's posture. He can tell if someone's lying by just looking at their posture. "Possibly...."

We both walked in, "Dayton, this is Kyle, a fellow agent and my boss. He will be assisting me today." I was met with silence and I took my seat. "Tell me what happened between you and Melissa?"

He sighs and went on what they did and their.....sexual activities. I stopped him, "Was she married?" He hesitated before answering, "Yes......and she has 2 kids...."

Kyle scribbled some notes down as I continued, "Have you met the husband? Or did she tell you about him?"

"From what she told me. he was neglecting her in all aspects. She came to me for comfort and I was a little hurt that she said that it couldn't happen again."

"So you killed her out of anger and jealousy?"

"N-no, that's not what I meant!"

"It sound like it did." Kyle pressed on, making the man more nervous than he already was.


He ignored me, "It sounded like you were jealous when she said that it couldn't happen because of her marriage, correct?"

"Yes, but-"

"Ah ah ah! Not done.Out of jealously and rage, you murdered her to spare your feelings of guilt if you caused a rift in her family."

"Sir, I wouldn't kill anyone!"

"Bullshit. Anyone can be a killer, they just need a motive. And that's a perfect motive for you. Jealously."

"Excuse us." I dragged Kyle out. "What the fuck, Kyle? We're trying to get him to open up, not to bombard him with questions!"


"UGH!" I was frustrated at him. "We'll keep him overnight. I'll continue tomorrow." An officer escorts him to a cell and I internally groaned as Kyle walked up to me. "Kyle, you just fucked up."

"I'm giving him time to think."

"I believe he's innocent-"

"Dylan, everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Don't let your heart destroy this case." With that, he walks off, talking to another agent. I rubbed my temples before walking off.


I was tying my sneakers before going out for a 'run'. I hummed to myself softly and I stood up, zipping up my hoodie before someone clears their throat. I turned and saw Andy leaning against the doorframe, 'Where are you going?"

"Out for a run. Got a problem with that?" He holds his hands up, slowly backing away, "Hey, sorry.......was just asking."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes before brushing past him, jogging away from the house to go to my cabin to get my murder weapon.......

(Sorry for the long update! I was working on completing the Rebuilding, which I did so now I'll be able to update this more often :) Till next time~)

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