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I was cleaning up the living room while Zoey was showering. I realized what I've done. I'm not regretting anything but the timing was terrible. It truly was. What if Andy questions her disappearance? Will she spill it and have me arrested? Nah, I highly doubt it but anything is possible.

After cleaning up, I stood up tall as I gazed out at the evening sun. I should be heading home soon. Zoey walks up, standing besides me, "Beautiful, huh?"

My eyes flickered towards her, "What about Andy?"

"Knew this question was going to come up eventually. To be honest, I've never really.....liked him."

"So you only said yes because you felt bad?"

Her green eyes widened, "No! Wait, let me rephrase that. I thought I liked him until we started to date. Then something in him changed. He was more demanding and wanted me to all himself."

"So, he's the clingy type." She nods and I clicked my tongue. I've never expected Andy to be that kind of person but then who am I to judge? "Are you going to break up with him?"

"Yeah, I'm going to do that tonight. Hopefully it goes well."

"You should leave first. Someone could be watching us now."

She puts a hand on my shoulder, "No one's watching us, Morgan. We're completely alone."

I shook my head violently, pushing her hand off, "You don't know that. Just......go." She sighs before turning on her heels, leaving the cabin. I gripped onto my hood, growling to myself. I really need to blow some steam off.

After waiting for a few minutes, I exited the cabin, carefully walking back into town without leaving any trace behind which was pretty easy for me. I returned home, climbing through the window. I quickly stripped myself out of my clothes, throwing on some sweats and a baggy t-shirt, grabbing my book and plopped onto my bed.

By then, there was a knock on my door and I got up, walking to the door and opened it. "Sup, Andy?"

"Hey, Morgan.....mind if I come in?" His voice sounds depressed so I let him in, wondering what was bothering him. "What's bothering you, Andy?"

He plays with his fingers, his brown eyes casting onto the floor, "I kind of have a feeling that Zoey is seeing someone behind my back." Oh.

I, of course, acted surprised, "Really? I mean, you two get along very well."

"That's what I thought. I mean....if she didn't want to be with me, why not tell me, ya know?" I nodded, "Maybe you need to confront her since she's not telling ya anything."

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Morgan." I nodded, watching him leave the room.


I rubbed my neck, looking back at the closed door. I had a feeling that she was hiding something behind my back. I walked into my father's office, "Dad, can I ask you something?"

He looks up from his work, "Of course, son. Have a seat."

I sat on the chair, "Do you think that something's off with Morgan?" He looks at me with a confused expression, "What do you mean by that?"

"I just spoke with her and I noticed that she had a blood stain on her sneakers."

"So? Maybe she accidentally cut herself and didn't notice it."

"But there's more to it."

He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Andy, she's been through a lot in her life. Sure, she's distant and all but that's just how she is because of her past. She'll eventually come around."

An idea popped into my head as I perked my head up, "Do you think she's the killer?"

He chokes on his water, looking at me with wide eyes, "What the hell makes you say that?"

"Come on, dad! She matches the description perfectly! Why are you ruling her out so quickly?"

"If I look into it, will that ease your nerves?" I nodded frantically and he sighs, giving in. "Alright, I'll look into it."


I listened the conversation between Andy and Dylan. I knew that the boy was always suspicious about me. I sigh, walking down the hallway and into my room as I shut the door quietly.

What am I going to do now? I need to blow off some steam, like right now. The urge is taking over and I gave in, standing up before locking my bedroom door, grabbing my hoodie before climbing out the window, walking down the path to town.

And new shoes. Yeah, that's what I need. Since Andy noticed the blood stain on my sneakers, it's best that I buy a new pair to avoid more suspicions. Or maybe it'll raise more since you conveniently bought new shoes after he noticed the stain. Goddamn it. I sighed deeply, it hurts to even think about this.

I decided to not worry about that yet as I turned down an alley, grabbing a bat that was settled against the dumpster. This will do. I slide my hood on, leaning against the brick of the alley, peeking out now and then. I picked a tall, muscular man who was approaching the alley, humming to himself.

As he neared me, I swung my bat, nailing him in the face. He groans and I took advantage of his shocked state, grabbing him by the shoulder. I dragged him further down as he squirms, elbowing me in the rib. I bit my lip to hold back a small yelp, smashing the bat at his face. He groans, his back slamming against the brick as he slides down.

I squatted down until I made eye contact with him. His face was basically bashed in, blood streaming down his face and onto the concrete below us. "W-what do y-y-you w-want?" He stutters out, panting heavily.

I stayed silent, standing up and held the bat in both hands, getting ready to bash his head open. His eyes widen at my current stance, holding his hand up as if to stop me. I brought the bat down, slamming it against his forehead. The strong impact caused his head to jerk back againstthe brick, a sickening snap echoed out, breaking the silence as his body slumped forward.

I didn't stop there. I was angry, frustrated for no reason as I repeatedly brought the bat down, smashing his head, blood spraying everywhere with every swing of my bat. I kept going until there was literally nothing left of his head, his flesh scattered around. I panted, dropping the bat. His skull was smashed open and fragments of the bones were surrounding the pool of blood. His brain looked like it was used as a punching bag, squished into pieces.

I wrinkled up my nose, stepping back. I looked down to see that my shoes were drenched in blood. I mentally cursed to myself as I kneeled down to lift up my pants a little. Good, didn't get any blood on my socks. Although, my pants and hoodie was soaked in blood.

I took my shoes off, wiping the blood off of the bottom as I slowly backed up, taking the bat with me. I scanned around to check if I didn't leave a trace behind. When it was all clear, I ran as fast as I could, heading into the forest.


I ducked under the yellow tape surrounding the crime scene, holding my nose, "God, that reeks. What happened this time?"

"We are unable to identify the victim. His head was literally bashed in." I walked over and he wasn't kidding. The remains of his head were scattered around us. I put on gloves, kneeling down, "Did you pat him down?"

"Er.....not yet, sir."

I rolled my eyes. Rookies. I patted down his legs, reaching into his pocket and took out his wallet. I opened it up and looked at the driver's license. "Oh no......"

(Eheehehehehe, cliffhanger :D please don't hate me....thought I'd add another murder scene since it's Halloween. So yeah, happy Halloween guys! See you next time :D)

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