my bratty baby

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It is a fine morning , sun is rising and directly entered to a room where two people are sleeping peacefully tangled in each other suddenly there was a voice like a disaster to wake them up


both get startled to awake because of it . they both look at each other , then the other smile to the other and said

?? : Good morning kookie

Kook: good morning taebaby

By saying that kook peck tae's forehead and then asked him

Kook : baby what did you do now why is eomma shouting like this ??

Tae : kookie I didn't did anything it was just Eomma said that she want a new oven and dadda said we will bring new when it will not work , and why to wait till then so I cut the wires and broke the glass

Tae said with a cute pout like he didn't did it purposely

Kook : baby you shouldn't have done it , you should tell any other to do it , what if you hurt your fingers or hurt yourself

Kook said as if he did not fucking broke the oven and what to say it is what it is

Tae : okay , next time I'll tell others to do it for me

Kook : okay my good baby , now let's go down before Eomma beat us to dead

They both went down to see jin fuming in anger tae hold kooks arm tightly signalling him that he is scared so kook instantly picked tae up like a koala and kook look at jin then ask

Kook : Eomma what happened to you why are you looking so angry ??

Jin : seriously you are asking me this kook , I know that this brat already told you what he did and I know you very well , you are the one who is spoiling this brat , now you Kim Taehyung just get down of your kookie and face me

Kook : Eomma first relax and then we will talk about it , you are doing nothing but scaring my baby so please relax

Jin : not today kook and kook you are going to your work right now and I will be the one dropping him to university and TAE  , I SAID COME DOWN OF HIM RIGHT NOW!!

because of JIN'S voice tae got scared and snuggled more in kooks neck and started to cry

Tae : koookkkie 😭😭😭😭

Kook : Eomma you made him cry

Kook said with a worried voice and started patting tae and rocking him to stop cry jin feel bad for making his own kid cry like this but there should be someone whom this brat should be scared off but no if someone scold him there will be his hero THE JEON to prevent this brat from getting scold and will do anything to make this brat happy , jin just sign and look at his baby who is crying right now

Jin : tae , I didn't mean to scold you but you should know baby you can't broke things from the home you should be careful for that right , what if you get hurt

Kook : I said that only Eomma and he understood that and also promised me that if next time he want to break anything he can just tell anyone to do it for him so he won't get hurt

Jin : you are right WAIT WHAT !!

Tae again get startled because of the voice and cling more on kook

Kook : Eomma you are scaring him

Jin : you tell him to tell someone to break things in the house if he want to
Jin was looking at them like they have grown horns

Kook : yeah

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