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After reaching home there was a party thrown by their parents so they were enjoying the graduation party of jimin and tae but what was making kook worried was tae not being himself there was many questions going inside his mind , was tae not happy to meet him ? , why his bub is behaving like this ? , why his bub is not bubbly like always ? , his thoughts were making him more worried

His thoughts got cut off by yoongi who shook him a bit to get his attention

Yoon : what are you thinking kook ?? , it's your baby's graduation party now you both can stay together again

Kook : yeah , you are right hyung

Kook said with a little bit smile not matching with the excitement he had when he came here , right now he can see tae and jimin talking to each other but not like usual both look little bit off not like how they used to talk before

Kook was sure that something is wrong but not able to point out what it is

Yoon look at kook and told him to chill and enjoy the party both went to their parents who were there to talking to themselves 

Kook went near tae and hugged him from behind but tae flinched and move away

Tae : oh kook it was you

Jungkook look at tae and raise his eyebrow

Tae : kook what happened are you fine

Jungkook pull tae near his chest tae tried to move away

Kook :what happened baby are you not feeling well

Tae : no.. no i am fine

Kook looked at tae and again at jimin who give him a smile but there was a nervousness in his smile

Kook pulled tae near and asked him to dance with him

Both went to the dance floor and started to sway their hips kook smirk looking at tae and pull his waist near him , tae was looking so nervous

Kook : what happened baby are you fine

Tae just nod , kook push tae a little and again pull him towards himself now tae's back was on kooks chest

Kook : you know tae I want to tell you something

Tae : what

Kook : you know I missed you so much !!! , that I feel like you have become some other person only

Tae chuckled and said

Tae : how can I become a different person kookie

Kook : I left some other and I am seeing a really different person right now

Tae : what are you trying to imply Kook

Kook : thats what I am saying baby you never called me kook , how much this year's changed you that you even forget what you used to call me

Tae : hee he , kookie it's not like this

Kook chucked and said

Kook : baby I was just teasing you

Tae : kook don't do that

Kook :okay okay I won't do it

Jimin came near them and said that tae and he is tired and wanted to sleep both went away

Yoon came near jungkook and said

Yoon : there is really something wrong with both of them , jimin is surely hiding something

Kook : there is really something wrong I feel I am seeing some different person, that definitely not my tae

Yoon : what do you mean by that kook

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